Episode 2: Deception

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The Night Pride were done with patrol for the day, and Fuli was extremely exhausted, she just wanted to relax after the long day she had. That day, Kion and Rani told everyone be on the lookout for Shomari and his army. They increased patrol and had to be on constant lookout to make sure that Shomari didn't enter the Tree of Life without anyone knowing, which tired everyone out, especially Fuli since she had to run across the boarder to make sure that Shomari didn't get in, which eventually managed tire her out. After patrol was over, Fuli sprinted to her den and began to relax. But her relaxation time was short ,Fuli heard a twig snap and she immediately stood up and looked around to see who was there.

"Hello there Fuli,"said a voice. Fuli turned around and saw Shomari standing there, and she immediately got in a defensive position,and growled at the brown coated Lion,"what do you want Shomari,"she said. Shomari smiled to himself, as he responded to her question"nothing much, I just want to talk with you,"

"what do you mean you want to talk to me,"Fuli questioned. Shomari began to slowly circle around Fuli as he explained,"I know who you are Fuli, the lone cheetah from the Pridelands turned lion guard member turned Night Pride member, but I also know that the guard, is like a family to you," Shomari noticed Fuli's suprised expression when he told her that and continued,"that is right, isn't it," Fuli became annoyed,"yeah so what,"she said defensively. Shomari chuckled," I want you to listen very closely here, look around you, everyone else is moving on to their own lives, even that honey badger managed to find someone, eventually, they will forget about you, and you will have no one, but yourself,"Fuli froze for a moment, thinking about what Shomari had just said, but she quickly snapped out of it, not wanting to believe what he said,"you are wrong, my friends will always be there for me,"she said to him, getting even more defensive, it was clear that Shomari had gotten into her head,"sure they will 'be there' but they really wont, they will have their own families and move on, then you will have no one, no friends, no mate, and of course, no family,"Fuli became angry by what Shomari had just said,"I suggest you leave before I rip out your throat,"she got into an attack position. Shomari began to leave but before he was gone, he turned around,"just think about it Fuli, at some point you will realize that the Guard won't care about you, or each other in fact, they will let anyone get hurt, even their own members, and not do anything about it,"and with that, Shomari disappeared.

Fuli stood there for a while thinking about that Shomari had told her, she couldn't believe what he said to her, he has to be lying, right? After she was done she walked to where the Night Pride gathered, the sun had already set and everyone was about to go home and rest for the night,"hey Fuli,"said Bunga. Fuli nodded at Bunga and walked up to Kion and Rani,"Kion, Rani,"she said, grabbing their attention,"what is it Fuli,"Kion said,"I just encountered Shomari,"Rani and Kion had concerned and suprised expressions on their faces,"what did he do," Rani asked,"Nothing, he just talked to me,"she explained,"what did he say to you," Fuli thought about what Shomari said before continuing,"nothing much, he just wanted to get in my head, but I thought I should let you should know that Shomari has found a way into the Tree of Life,"Kion and Rani nodded at the Cheetah,"asante Fuli, we will make sure that he won't enter next time,"Kion said. 

Fuli ran off to clear her head about what Shomari said, about how she would lose the only family she had ever known, the words he said to her played on repeat in her head. She was so caught up in her thoughts, that she didn't realize that she almost ran into Azaad until the last second when she stopped, nearly running into him,"AZAAD,"she shouted as she came to a stop,"sorry Fuli,"Azaad said to the cheetah,'it's fine, what were you doing here,"

"Azaad came to see if you were alright,"he said (the first person talk is making this hard to write so shut up),"what do you mean,"Fuli said, she was curious as to why Azaad was concerned for her,"you looked like something was bothering you,"Fuli paused for a moment, Shomari's words were still in her head, but she quickly snapped out of it and continued,"uh No, I'm fine, but thanks," but as Fuli was about to run off, Ono flew in,"FULI, SHOMARI IS ATTACKING,"Fuli nodded at Ono,"THANKS, IM ON MY WAY,"and Fuli sprinted off and followed Ono to where Shomari and his army were attacking. Fuli sprinted and she saw Shomari attacking Kion and Rani, and the rest of the Night Pride dealing with the other Lions. Fuli looked to her Right and saw Bunga being pinned down, so she sprinted and knocked the lion off of Bunga,"thanks Fuli,"the honey badger said, Fuli nodded at him before turning to face the lion that had attacked Bunga, and continued to fight him.

The fight went on for a while and Shomari looked and observed Fuli, then his focus shifted towards the Honey Badger, immediately an idea popped up in his head and he knocked away Kion and Rani. He sprinted over and grabbed Bunga by the scruff and tried to run off with him. But Bunga hit Shomari's neck and he shouted in pain, letting Bunga go at the same time. Shomari pounced at Bunga, and he jumped out of the way and jump-kicked his face. Shomari retracted his claws and swatted at Bunga, and the blows he managed to get on him, didn't do much damage. But remembered that he was a honey badger, so he would have to get more creative. Their fight led to the top of a cliff,"is that all ya got,"Bunga said putting his fists up with a smug look on his face. Shomari was amused by Bunga's bravery,"no, I have more than a few different ways of killing honey badgers,"Bunga raised an eyebrow,"wait what," Shomari clawed at Bunga's legs and continued to beat him up, he knew that regular scratches and botes weren't going to do much against him, so he had to use attacks that gave out a lot of shock and pressure inside of his body, so that he could internally be damaged, after some of Shomari's more effective attack methods, he held him by the scruff and held him over the edge of a cliff,"like I said, I have more than a few ways of killing,"Bunga looked down and for the first time in his life, he was somewhat terrified, he was injured and the cliff was very high up, it was enough to kill him,"goodbye,"Shomari dropped Bunga as he helplessly fell to his doom, but right before he fell to his death, Fuli sprinted and caught Bunga mid-air. Fuli ran back to the rest of the Night Pride, who had gotten rid of the other Lions, and she placed Bunga down, but he immediately held on to Fuli's leg, and was shaking out of fear,"Bunga, whats wrong,"Kion asked, he noticed Bunga's strange behavior, which concerned him. Bunga said nothing and even started to cry,"I think, Bunga is scared,"Fuli said in a concerned voice.

"why would Bunga be scared, he is the bravest,"Baliyo said,"Sh-Sh Shomari,"Bunga said, with a huge amount of fear taking over his voice."Shomari must have done something to him, look at his injuries"Fuli said, everyone also observed the injuries on Bunga, they were so severe to the point that he even might have had a few broken bones also, not to mention that he was bleeding in some places. Fuli and Nirmala dragged Bunga back to the Tree of Life so he could get healed, which wasn't very easy to do. Everyone was shocked by what happened, usually Bunga would walk away from a fight with a huge smile on his face, but today the trauma had taken him over. Fuli looked at Bunga, although he was resting, he was still shaken up by fear, she walked out and looked at the stars, and she wanted one thing, revenge against Shomari.

And this is the second episode of this season 4. I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter, and I have actually have had this idea for a while, so it feels nice to let this out of my mind.Also FYI, Updates are every Tuesday and Friday, but remember to vote and comment.

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