Episode 1: Living Like a King

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Kion slowly opened his eyes as he slowly began to wake up. He felt the cool morning breeze enter the Tree of Life. Once his eyes managed to focus, he looked to his side to see his mate Rani resting next to him. Seeing her like this brought a small smile to his face, as he did appreciate every moment he got to spend with her.

Kion nuzzled his mate before walking out of the Tree of Life, making sure not to wake her up as she did need her energy for night patrol later on. Once he exited the cave he was greeted with the bright blue sky, and the bright sun shining over the kingdom.

Kion squinted a bit, as his eyes readjusted to the bright sunlight. But once he could see again he began to walk around the kingdom, taking in his surroundings. The residents of the kingdom were beginning to wake up and were starting to do what they would normally do at this time.

After a bit of walking he walked up to a small group of animals, consisting of a Honey Badger, Cheetah, Hippo, Egret, and Eagle. "Hey guys!" Kion smiled as he walked up to his friends.

The Honey Badger known as Bunga bowed down. "Hello your majesty." He said in a joking tone.

Kion chuckled as he was amused by the joke. "C'mon Bunga, we both know that I'm still not used to that."

Bunga shrugged. "Well you might as well get used to it," The two best friends shared a laugh before refocusing as the six began their patrol.

For the most part everything was quiet at the Tree of Life, which wasn't out of the ordinary as they didn't usually have any problems ever since Kion managed to get rid of Makucha and his army. However today was an exception.

"HAPANA!" Ono panicked, grabbing everyone's attention. Everyone turned around to see Ono and Anga fly down and perch on a nearby tree branch.

"What is it Ono?" Kion asked.

"A group of lions are making their way towards the mountain pass, and they appear to be hostile!" Ono explained.

"Alright, lets go!" Kion ordered as him and his team began to make their way to the mountain pass.

The six approached the entrance of the Mountain Pass and proceeded cautiously. They all looked around them but they didn't see anyone there.

Ono and Anga flew up to get an ariel view. "KION, LOOK OUT!" Anga shouted.

Kion turned around and was knocked against the rock wall of the mountain. Kion recovered from the attack and stood back up on his feet. He looked to see who his attacker was, and saw a teenage lion, close to his own age, standing right in front of him. "Hello King Kion," he said while giving out a sinister smile,"It's a pleasure to meet you!"


Kion snarled at the teenage Lion,"how do you know who I am?" he asked.

The lion began to circle around Kion while letting out an amused chuckle. "Y'know word gets around quickly when a lion who can control the elements at will is running around."

Kion's eyes narrowed at him. "What do you want?"

A smirk grew on the Strange Lion's face, "Simple, your kingdom!."

The lion jumped at Kion, attempting to strike at him. Kion managed to dodge the attack just in time, however other lions began to leave their hiding spots and stood behind the strange lion.

"GET THEM!" The strange lion ordered. The other lions obeyed and they charged after the Night Pride.

Kion's team stood their ground and countered the attack, not wanting to let whoever these lions were, to enter the Tree of Life. Kion and the Strange Lion clashed with each other, however it was clear that Kion's opponent had far more training in combat than Kion, as such he was able to have an advantage over the King.

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