Episode 6: Brothers

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Kion and the Night Pride walked up to the boarder of the Pridelands. He stopped to look at the scenery before signalling everyone to follow him. They walked through the Pridelands and up to Pride Rock where they were greeted by Simba and Nala,"KION,"they both said as they ran up to greet their son,"mom, dad,"Kion said approaching them. Both lions hugged their son,"why are you here Kion,"Simba asked. Kion's ears flopped down and he explained,"the Tree of Life,........... I couldn't protect it, this lion named Shomari, he took it over,"

"It's alright Kion,"Nala said, comforting her son,"and I was wondering if we could stay here to recover,"Simba smiled at the teenager,"of course Kion, stay as long as you need,"Kion looked over Simba's shoulder and saw a Lion with a brown mane standing there,"uh, who is he,"Kion said facing the lion. The lion walked up next to Simba and Nala,"hey, you're shorter than I expected," Kion raised an eyebrow in confusion. Simba and Nala looked at each other,"Kion, meet Kopa, your long-lost older brother,"Kion was shocked,"wait, BROTHER,"

"since when did I have an older brother, and why didn't you tell me,"Kion asked."we didn't because,.........the memory of his death, it was too much for either of us,"Simba explained, Nala continued,"and everyone in the Pridelands also understood, so we all agreed to never talk about him ,"Kion saw the look of sadness on his parents face,"oh, I understand,"Then Kopa grabbed Kion in a headlock, and used his other front paw to noogie him,"and now I get to hang out with my little bro,"Kion shouted in annoyance, and Simba and Nala laughed, to be fair, Kopa missed out on 15 years of annoying his little brother,"Kopa....Stop,"Kopa let go of Kion, and Rani laughed at how his mane was messed up. Kopa looked over at the Brown lioness,"I see this must be the girl that Kion fell for, hey Kai, how did you manage to get a Queen to fall for you,"Rani chuckled and Kion let out a slightly annoyed growl,"cheer up Kion, he is your brother after all," Kion fixed up his mane with his paw,"I know that, its just,.....I'm not huge a fan of the noogies,"Kopa put his paw on Kion's shoulder," It's alright, besides I have a lot of catching up to do with you and Kiara, mainly you though, I did spend time with Kiara when she was a newborn,"

"I remember when she was playing with your tail while you were sleeping, then she bit it and you woke up screaming,"Nala said, and everyone laughed,"I wish I remembered that,"Kiara said while laughing,"she just sat there wondering why you were screaming with your tail in her mouth,"added Simba."I remember that, it took a week for the pain to stop,"Kopa said, he smiled at the memories of his family before he left. 

Later the Night Pride got settled down and Rani was recovering from her injuries. Kion wanted to stay with her, but she told him to go spend time with Kopa and Kiara. Although reluctant at first, Kion eventually agreed to go. They went to Hakunah Matatta Falls. They walked towards a cliff that overlooked the water below,"see those vines,"Kopa pointed his paw over to some vines that were hanging,"you run and grab on them and see how high you can swing before falling into the water below,"Kion raised an eyebrow,"can you show us how to do it,"Kopa smirked and he backed up, and sprinted forward and grabbed the vine with his mouth, then he used his body weight to swing himself higher until he let go and fell into the water below, releasing a huge splash. Kion and Kiara looked down and saw Kopa swim up to the surface,"see, its easy,"Kion and Kiara shrugged and they also ran and grabbed their own respective vines and started to swing themselves to the highest point they could before plunging into the water. Kiara was the first to let go, and she cheered as she fell down. Kion was a bit reluctant to let go of the vine, so he closed his eyes and fell into the water. Kion didn't come up and Kopa was worried,"KION, WHERE ARE YA,"Then Kion appeared on the surface laughing,"that was fun,"Kopa laughed,"I told you, it is fun, wanna do it again,"Kion smiled at his brother,"lets do it,"

Kion, Kiara, and Kopa spent the rest of the day hanging out together as siblings. After the sun set, they went back to Pride Rock, and Kion went to check on Rani, he ran up to her and nuzzled her,"so, how was today,"Kion smiled,"it was surprisingly fun,"Rani chuckled at her mate,"see, it is not that bad having an older brother,"Kion nuzzled his mate and sat down next to her,"thank you, for forcing me to hang out with Kopa,"Rani chuckled and nudged her mate,"whatever, I convinced you to hang out with him,"Kion smiled at his mate, but his smile quickly disappeared, and he walked up to the edge of Pride Rock to think.

Kion sat there looking up at the stars, he sighed to himself as he remembered the mistakes he made that ended up in him losing a lot,"what are you thinking about,"Kion turned around and saw Kopa standing there,"um, nothing,"Kopa sat down next to his brother,"no one comes to the edge of Pride Rock at night just to sit there, I know there is something on your mind,"Kion went silent and sat there, then he took in a deep breath and talked,"I just......I feel like it is my fault that me and the Night Pride are in this situation, Bunga is traumatized, I lost the kingdom, Rani is injured, and Fuli turned against us,"Kopa looked over at his brother,"who is Fuli,"

"she is a cheetah that was a member of the Guard and Night Pride, but she turned against us. I feel guilty for her doing this, she was like a sister, she was family, and I couldn't protect my family,"Kopa put a paw on Kion's shoulder,"I understand what you are going through, you feel like it is your responsibility to look after them, and in a way, it is, if you care about them, you would do whatever it takes to keep them safe, even if it means you cant be with them,"Kion looked at his brother,"what do you mean,"Kopa sighed,"when I was a cub, I met this beautiful lioness named Vitani, every day we would sneak off and hang out together. Then one day I ran off to tell her how I felt about her, and Zira attacked me. When I woke up, I knew I couldn't stay, or else Zira would hurt my family, or worse, Vitani, so I ran away,"Kion looked towards his brother, as a tear fell down his face,"I guess we aren't so different after all,"Kopa smiled at his little brother,"I may not be a king, but we know the wight of protecting others,"Kion and Kopa chuckled, then Kion realized something,"since when were you and Vitani a thing,"Kopa playfully nudged Kion and laughed,"I thought you knew, I did walk up to her when we got home,"Kion laughed at his brother,"I don't understand how you can handle her, she is really intimidating," Kopa smiled,"you just have to get to know her, she does have a soft spot,"Kion smiled at Kopa," clearly you are what makes her smile,"

AAAND this is episode 6 of this book. I wanted this chapter to have Kopa and Kion bond as brothers,in my what if book, for the season finale, Nicorozner1 pointed out how Kopa and Kion needed to bond more in the story, so I fixed it in this one, but I also did this to add more development for Kopa as a character. But thank you for reading this and remember to vote and comment.

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