Episode 11: Leaving and the Future

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I'm so sorry, I had no idea," begged Kion.

Rani struggled to stand up with her near-severed leg and dislocated arm, not to mention blood loss, fractured or broken ribs and open wounds all over her body.

Kion walked over to Rani, trying to comfort her. But this just resulted in an angry reaction from her. "Leave me alone."

"Rani I-"


Kion went quiet and just stood there watching Rani as she walked away.

For the next few weeks, the Lion Guard had stayed at the Tree of Life, in order to help the Kingdom recover. Kion and Rani haven't really talked much in those weeks, which resulted in Kion being forced to sleep outside of the Tree.

Rani was making a slow, but steady recovery. She was at least able to walk, and her cuts had been healed. But despite her recovery, Nirmala advised Rani to stay in the Tree of Life to make sure that none of her healing became undone.

Kion decided once again, that he should try to reason with his mate. After his duties were finished, he made his way into the Tree of life and saw Rani resting, giving an angry look at him. "What do you want?" Rani angrily asked.

"I just wanted to say that I'm sorry." Kion calmly said.

Rani just rolled her eyes at him. "Sure you are."

"I'm serious, I really am sorry." Kion did his best, not to get angry.

"I saw that smug look on your face when you roared!"

Kion sat down next to her. "I'm sorry if I wanted to get rid of those lions that were attacking me!"

"Did you even hear me as I shouted at the top of my lungs?"

Kion froze and went silent.

"That's what I thought."

"So what, we won and got the Tree of Life back, that's what's important."


"I didn't mean it like that."

"You just admitted that the Tree of Life is more important than your own mate!"

"I'm sorry, who was the one who got Makucha and his army out of the Tree of Life?"

"We aren't talking about Makucha, we are talking about how you didn't care if I got hurt or not."

"HEY, if it wasn't for me, this whole place would be in chaos!"

Rani scoffed at what Kion said and rolled her eyes. "You do realize that you are not the only one who protects the Tree of Life Kion."

Kion began to get irritated at the lioness. "Well, I am the only one who is clearly more effective since I am not the one who got trapped under a few logs."

"And I'm not the one that put my pride over others."

Kion stood up and stormed out of the Tree. "Whatever, I'm done!"

Things aren't looking good for the couple, neither of them could stand being near each other. They were both mad at each other. However, Rani was more upset. She felt like she meant nothing to Kion, and she had the injuries to prove it.

After a few more days, Rani was able to recover from her injuries. And with the Tree of Life back in order, The Lion Guard was ready to return to the Pridelands.

Kion's Night Pride, along with Rani and Azaad were going to help guide them back to the Pridelands While Nirmala, Baliyo, and Surrak stayed to guard the Tree of Life, to ensure nothing happened while they were gone.

During their journey, everyone could feel the tension between Kion and Rani, especially since they both constantly got into arguments over the duration of the trip, which made everyone feel concerned for the young couple.

The arguing had gotten to the point where they would just completely avoid eye contact.

After a few days of traveling, they finally arrived at the Pridelands. Zazu quickly spotted the Night Pride and Lion Guard. Immediately he flew off and informed Simba about their arrival.

Simba, Nala, Kiara, and Kovu stopped what they were doing, went to greet them. The Guard and Night Pride were greeted by the four lions and went to Pride Rock. Kopa and Kion reunited with their parents, while Rani watched from afar.

Everyone settled down and relaxed for the day, because the next day, the Night Pride would return to the Tree of Life.

The sun began to glow off in the distance, as the night was almost over. Kion opened his eyes and looked to see that Rani was sleeping on the other side of the den, it was clear that she was still upset with him.

He sighed to himself, stood up, and walked out of the den. Kion figured that he needed some alone time to clear his head. He didn't like the arguments he had with Rani, but they always found something to fight over. '

It was stressful for both of them, and they couldn't take it much longer. Rani felt the same way that Kion did about their relationship, she didn't enjoy their arguments as much as Kion did.

Later in the day, Rani decided that she needed some alone time. She walked to somewhere private, and when she looked and saw that no one was around, she broke down and began to cry.

She held in her stress for so long, that she needed to let it out. The stress of her relationship with Kion became too much for her, and she needed some time to let out her stress.

Rani cried there for a while, not noticing that Kiara was right behind her. "Rani, are you alright?"

Rani turned around and revealed her tear-stained face. "What do you think!"

"I'm sorry, do you want to talk about it?"

Rani nodded. "Sure."

Kiara walked over and sat down next to her. "What happened?"

"Kion, he.......he used his roar and nearly killed me. During the battle, I got trapped under some logs. I yelled for Kion not to roar, but, he decided otherwise. He injured me, and what's worse is that he didn't even care, he just said that he was more effective than me in the battle. We constantly fought and I...... I can't take it anymore." Rani continued to cry.

"I'm sorry that this happened, but I'm sure that Kion w-."

"No, he won't. I think that maybe we should spend some time apart."

Kiara was shocked. "Y-Your not actually serious are you?"

"Yes I am, alright, I can't take this anymore, I hate fighting all the time, I hate being alone, I just want the pain to go away and to be happy!"

Kiara sighed, knowing that she was right. "You're right, both of you deserve to be happy."

Kion continued to walk around the Pridelands to clear his head, he reflected upon the past few days. "Hey, Kion, what's up."

Kion looked to his side and saw Bunga walking up to him. "Oh, hey Bunga."

Bunga noticed the distressed look on Kion's face. "Hey, what's wrong?"

"Nothing It's just,.....I have been stressed out lately."

Bunga patted Kion's shoulder to comfort him. "I know, the constant arguing managed to stress me out."

Kion chuckled lightly at the joke. "Sorry Bunga, I didn't mean for that to happen."

"I'm just worried about you Kion. You and Rani have been constantly arguing. Is everything alright?"

Kion's ears flopped down. "To be honest, no, it isn't. My relationship with Rani is not what it used to be Bunga. There is only one more option left."

Bunga raised an eyebrow. "And what is that?"

And here it is, this is part 1 of the 3 part season finale here. Yes I decided to give Kion and Rani some relationship problems. Also sorry for the lack of updates, been working on other stuff recently. But remember to vote and to comment.

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