Episode 8: Holding On to Hope

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Kion sat on the edge of Pride Rock thinking, before he went down and went to the watering hole, and when he walked up, he saw a familiar honey badger,"Bunga,"Kion said as he walked up to him. Bunga turned around and saw his friend,"hey Kion,"he said in a calm voice. Kion sat next to him,"what are you doing here Bunga, shouldn't you be with Timon and Pumbaa," Bunga sat down,"yeah, but I just came out here to think...............fear, I-I...I never felt it before. that feeling makes me want to crawl into a corner and....,"Kion patted Bunga's back to confort him,"It's alright Bunga, you are alive,"

"I know but for the first time, I felt like I was going to die, what should I do,"Kion looked down at his best friend, the one who was like a brother to him,"learn from it, learn how to deal with your fear, and use it to make yourself stronger, so the next time you are truly afraid, you would be able to overcome it," Bunga looked at Kion and hugged him,"thanks bro, also I'm coming with you, I have some unfinished business with Shomari,"Kion had a concerned look on his face,"are you sure you can handle it,"Bunga looked down,"I don't know, but I have to help you guys, I would follow you and the Night Pride to the ends of the earth,"Kion smiled at his best friend, "right back at ya Bunga,"

The next day Kion, Lion Guard, and the Night Pride said their goodbyes and made their way to the Tree of Life. The journey was fairly easy since they knew how to get back to the Tree of Life, so the trip was shorter than expected. Everyone arrived in the snowy area outside the Tree of Life, and they decided to find a place somewhere to hide for the night, knowing that Shomari probably has spies all over the place.After some searching around the area, they settled in an abandoned den.

That night, Azaad walked to the edge of the den, and he looked out and saw Fuli from a distance, she wasn't at the Tree of Life, she was just running out. Azaad stood up and ran after her. He knew that she was faster, but he had to try. He ran as fast as he could, at this point, a fair amount of distance between them and the mountain pass of the Tree of Life was made. Azaad used all of his strength, and he stood in front of Fuli,"AZAAD,"she shouted as she came to a stop. Azaad stopped and he just stood there,"Fuli, what are you doing,"Fuli stood there looking at him,"what are you talking about,"Azaad elaborated on his question,"why did you join Shomari,"Fuli circled around Azaad,"he is right Azaad, the Night Pride are corrupt, they say that their job is to protect the tree of Life, but no one realized the mistakes that they made, the deaths they have caused. They let Bunga get hurt, they nearly got rid of Kion, and it was their fault why Shomari is doing this," 

"but at what cost Fuli, you are hurting others,"Fuli chuckled at Azaad,"its just a small sacrifice, but after this, everyone would see the Tree of Life for what it was meant to be, a place where everyone can be healed, not just those deemed worthy, and NO ONE would stand in my way of accomplishing this," Fuli got into an attack position,"Fuli, don't do this,"Fuli growled at the male Cheetah,"I will do what I have to,"Fuli lunged at Azaad and started to lash out at him. Azaad tried to dodge her attacks, but Fuli was clearly the one with more experience fighting. Fuli pinned down Azaad and she raised her paw, with her claws out, ready to strike him down. But Azaad quickly kicked her in the stomach and he ran off. He spotted a lake, although he wasn't a big fan of water, he had to do what he needed to get Fuli off of his trail. He jumped into the cold water and waited for Fuli to run off. He quickly got out and shook off the water as he took in a deep breath of air. Then he began to walk back to the den that everyone else was in.

Fuli walked back to the Tree of Life and she walked up to Shomari,"Shomari, the Night Pride was close by, I encountered one of their members during my run, they are nearby,"Shomari faced the cheetah,"very well then, the time has come, alert everyone, we will crush them once and for all, and when they are at their weakest, when they have nothing left, they will see the truth, that I was right," Fuli walked off towards the other lions. She informed them about the Guard, and how they will be arriving at any moment now since they are nearby. Fuli then turned and saw Shomari walking through, and she let out a quite growl at him that no one heard. She turned around and walked up to her designated resting area, she rested on the ground and fell asleep, ready for what was about to go down the next day, the day that she would once again, have to face against her formal teammates.

Kopa walked out and looked at the stars, and Vitani walked by his side and she nuzzled him,"what's on your mind,"she asked. Kopa nuzzled back,"nothing, just thinking about what we are about to do tomorrow,"She turned and faced the stars along with Kopa,"never have I thought that we would be fighting a war side by side together,"Vitani leaned against Kopa, and he smiled at her,"I feel the same way, but I wouldn't want to do this without you by my side," Kopa and Vitani stood up and turned around and walked to their part of the den together, and they rested next to each other, with Vitani's head resting on Kopa's neck. Both of them fell asleep like this with each of them enjoying each other's company.

So this is episode 8, yeah it was a bit difficult to write these chapters, but tell me what you think in the comments and remember to vote.

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