Episode 3: Conflict of Morality

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Fuli was waiting outside the Tree of Life, Bunga was still inside getting healed, and everyone was concerned for him. His fight with Shomari traumatized him to the core, and made him tense up very easily. The fear of death was not a concept that Bunga was familiar with, or at least that was the case until yesterday. He couldn't sleep well at night or join patrol. Everyone was concerned, but the one that was the most concerned, was Fuli. Her friend was nearly killed, and although he is being healed, but he can't easily be healed mentally."are you alright Fuli,"Kion said, he walked up and sat next to her,"not really, I'm just worried,"

"about Bunga,"Fuli nodded,"yeah, it was the first time I ever saw him scared,"Kion looked over at Fuli,"It was the first time he was ever scared, this emotion is new to him, he doesn't know how to handle it,"Kion looked and saw a slightly angry look on Fuli's face, and Fuli noticed the concerned look on Kion's face,"Shomari.....will pay,"Kion looked and saw Fuli's claws digging into the ground out of anger,"Fuli, calm down, we will find Shomari, and we will deal with him,"Fuli stood up and began to walk away,"we will see,"

Fuli stood near the mountain pass, thinking, but she looked back and remembered what happened to Bunga, sure he was annoying most of the time but he was her friend, her family. She cant just stand there and let someone hurt him without doing anything about it. She looked back at the Tree of  Life before sprinting through the mountain pass and out of the Tree of Life kingdom, she was on her own now. She was going to hunt down Shomari, and bring him down.

A lion was walking through the mountains, while carefully carrying something in his mouth, to make sure that he wouldn't drop anything. Then he walked into a group of lions and they let him through. He walked through the lions and up to Shomari,"here it is Shomari, the venom,"Shomari looked at the poisonous liquid, it wasn't poisonous in a lethal way, but more of a mental way,"thank you, you are dismissed,"the Lion walked out, leaving Shomari alone, looking at the poison, or venom (no it is not the symbiote, for once). As he was looking at it, a lion approached him,"sir, we spotted a cheetah leaving the Tree of Life,"Shomari smirked, "alright, It is time,"Shomari carried the venom and went the way that Fuli was running.

"Kion, what's wrong,"Rani noticed that Kion was a bit off,"nothing, i'm just worried about Fuli," Rani sat down next to Kion and leaned against him,"what do you mean,"Kion looked up at the stars and continued,"she was pretty upset about Bunga, so much that she wanted revenge against Shomari,"Rani looked up to see Kion's worried face,"you really care about her,"Kion smiled at his mate,"she was like an older sister to me,"Kion nuzzled Rani affectionately,"I understand why she feels like that, I wanted revenge also, Shomari was the one who murdered my parents, and when he did it, anger filled me, it was like a poison,"Kion saw Rani tear up from the memory, so he continued to nuzzle her,"we will stop Shomari, whatever it takes,"Rani licked Kion's muzzle and smiled,"whatever it takes,"

Fuli ran through the snowy mountain area in an attempt to track down Shomari, his scent was faint, but it was enough for her to follow him. She ran into the edge of the mountains, and Shomari's scent got stronger. She cautiously walked through the area, until she heard a chuckle,"I was expecting you Fuli,"Fuli looked up and saw Shomari standing there, smiling. Fuli growled at Shomari and slowly walked up to him,"I came to make you pay," Shomari slowly backed away,"what are you talking about," an angry expression formed on Fuli's face,"for hurting and nearly killing Bunga," Shomari laughed,"oh you mean the Honey Badger,"Fuli jumped up to Shomari's level,"yes, and you will pay for hurting him,"Fuli lunged at Shomari, but he quickly dodged her,"do you really think you stand a chance against me cheetah,"Fuli jumped at Shomari again, only for him to dodge her. Fuli tried and failed to land a blow at Shomari, but nothing was working,"you are nothing but a lonely Cheetah, someone so lonely that she had to replace her family with a group of animals that consists of a Hippo, an Egret, a Honey Badger, and a Lion cub, how sad is that,"Fuli got even more angry,"SHUT UP,"she shouted, but Shomari just smiled, her anger was amusing to him,"Its a shame, you have no idea how right I AM,"Shomari scratched Fuli's face, and she fell down. Fuli got up, but something felt different, she felt different,"WHAT DID YOU DO TO ME,"she shouted."Like it, I got the idea from Scar, but instead of using a snake, I just used a poison that would work instantly,"

"what do you mean,"Fuli still was in her defensive position,"what I mean is the venom that was laced on my claws, it messes with your mind, like how the snake venom affected Kion, but instead this poison doesn't have the flaw of slowly infecting the mind, instead it works within an hour,"Fuli growled at Shomari,"YOUR'E LYING,"Shomari continued to smile as he circled around Fuli,"am I,"Shomari watched as Fuli was slowly passing out,"YOUR FAMILY DOESN'T CARE ABOUT YOU, THEY LET YOUR 'FRIEND' GET HURT WITHOUT DOING ANYTHING, IF THEY DIDN'T CARE MUCH ABOUT HIM, WHAT MAKES YOU THINK THAT THEY WOULD CARE ABOUT YOU,"After Shomari was done talking, Fuli passed out. Two Lion's walked up behind Shomari,"take her to the den,"he said. The two lions walked up to the unconscious Cheetah and carried her back to their base.

Fuli woke up a few hours later, and she looked around, she was in a den, but she didn't know where she was specifically,"good morning soldier,"Fuli looked over and saw Shomari walk in. Normally she would pounce at the Lion, but she felt different, she felt, angry, as if the only emotion she ever had was anger, flowing through her veins. She bowed down to Shomari as a display of loyalty,"what is your bidding my master,"Shomari smirked at his success,"what can you tell me about the Night Pride, and the Roar," Fuli looked up at Shomari, and a sinister smile formed on her face.

OOF you did not see that coming. Actually im sure half of you saw that coming, but shut up, this is my story. I actually have had this idea for a while, to make Fuli evil. But I needed a way to make it feel natural, so I had Shomari get into her head, and the Bunga being traumatized was so Anger could cloud Fuli's head before she got injected with the poison, so she could completely become evil. BOOM character development. But remember to vote and comment.

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