Episode 9: Mistakes

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Kion , the Lion Guard, and the Night Pride woke up and prepared for their attack. Kion sent Ono and Anga to scout out the area. Anga and Ono reported back and said that no one was there, except Shomari, he was alone. Kion and everyone else was confused as to why Shomari was just there at the Tree of Life alone, but they decided to leave and head straight for the mountain pass. 

Everyone walked cautiously through the mountain pass, on high alert, just in case someone decided to attack out of nowhere. When they finished walking through, they went towards where Shomari was. They looked around and saw the destruction that the attack had left on the land, there was vegetation, but not a lot. They approached Shomari cautiously, he faced away from the guard,"I knew that you would come back, so lets just get this over with,"Shomari stood up and turned to face the Guard,"what happened to your friends,"Kion asked."they are no longer here,"then they heard footsteps approaching from behind them, the Guard turned around to see an army of lions and Fuli standing there,"they are behind you,"

"ATTACK,"Shomari shouted, the Lion Guard and Night Pride got into defensive positions and waited for one of Shomari's lions to make a move. But Fuli was the first, she immediately went for Azaad. The other lions soon followed, and Kion signaled everyone to attack. Everyone picked their targets and attacked. Everyone fought while Shomari stood from a distance watching the fight, the chaos brought a smile to his face, the sight of the downfall of the Night Pride pleased him.

Fuli mostly used the momentum from her speed to try to knock down Azaad. But Azaad quickly caught on to Fuli's patter and he quickly dodged her attacks. Realizing that Azaad figured out her pattern, Fuli put out her claws, and tried to land a blow on the cheetah. With this strategy, she had more success in attacking. Azaad was starting to get covered in scratch marks, and the pain from them were starting to make him lose focus in his fighting, he needed time to recover and regain his focus. Azaad looked around the landscape and realized that their fight lead to the snowy area of the Tree of Life. He decided to use this as an advantage, and he slowly lead Fuli towards the mountain in that area. He spotted a huge pile of snow, which was barley being held up by a few rocks. He slowly back over and when the timing was just right, he quickly knocked it down and the snow fell on Fuli, giving him a quick chance to escape from her wrath.

Everyone else was able to hold up their own in their respective fights, but the one who was making their presence in the battlefield clear was Kopa and Vitani. Their fighting styles correlated perfectly with each other, and when they fought together, they were perfectly in sync. They were knocking out lions left and right, even Shomari took notice of them as he supervises the fight from a distance. Shomari looked up and saw the rain clouds were moving in, which made sense due to the fact that it is that time of year when it would constantly rain.

"SHOMARI,"Shomari turned around to see the Brown furred lioness standing in front of him with an angry expression on her face,"Rani, how kind of you to pay a visit,"Rani got into an attack position,"I came to put a stop to your plan,"Shomari shook his head in disappointment,"Rani, my plan for this place is to do what you could not, make the Tree of Life into the kingdom that it was destined to be, under my rule no one would have an unreasonable death, no one, good or evil, will have to suffer,"Rain began to pour on them, and flames began to ignite in the background,"clearly that is not true since you have caused suffering towards others including me,"Shomari paced back and fourth as he continued to explain,"I killed them because they knew the truth, that the Night Pride are nothing more than a group of judges who determine who lives and who dies, when i told them, they tried to kill me, so I killed them,"Rani tried to pounce on Shomari, but he quickly jumped away,"you know what I'm saying it's true, but unfortunately, you and the Night Pride, along with Kion would have to die," Rani once again jumped at Shomari, but he raised his paw, and struck Rani onto the ground. Rani tried to get up and jumped at Shomari again, only to be met by another strike from his paw. Shomari walked up to the lioness and placed his paw on her neck and began to apply pressure,"goodbye my queen," but before Shomari could snap Rani's neck, he was knocked off of her. Shomari fell to the ground and groaned hin pain. He got up on his legs and looked up to see who knocked him off of Rani, it was Bunga,"HEY, REMEMBER ME,"the Honey badger shouted in an angry voice, which was a surprise because usually he would talk in somewhat a cheery like voice,"I guess I would have to make sure I killed you this time,"Rani got up and stood next to the honey badger,"not unless I have anything to say about it,"Shomari growled as he lunged at the lioness and Honey Badger. Both of them dodged and then jumped at Shomari and attacked him. Both of them mainly focused on dodging his attacks, but they also managed to land a few blows on him. 

Shomari thought managed to dodge their attacks and he regained his focus long enough, so he could think about his next move. Rani jumped at Shomari, but he knocked her away and pinned down Bunga,"and now, you will die for good,"Bunga froze up in fear, the trauma, the pain, the fear filled up his head once again, he was fearing for his life. Shomari began to beat up Bunga and throw him around. Bunga was thrown against the base of the Tree of Life, his body felt weak and he was in pain. His vision shifted between normal, and blurry. But he saw the rest of his friends fighting, he put his hands (or paws) in front of him and he fought the pain, as he stood up and faced Shomari, lightning flashed as he looked at him, not in fear, but with determination, determination to stop his wrath,"my name, is Bunga, and I...AM....THE.....BRAVEST, AND I DON'T FEAR YOU,"Shomari looked at the honey badger suprised, but that didn't distract him from his task,"in that case you will die braver than most," the Lion and Honey Badger clashed and fought each other. Even though Bunga was in pain and felt weak, he remembered what he was fighting for, and that gave him the strength to continue fighting. Bunga would continue to attack Shomari with everything he has. The Lion was actually losing against him, so when Bunga jumped at him, he quickly grabbed him by his scruff and threw him away, towards the rest of the fight,"he is so annoying,"he muttered to himself.

So this is episode 9 of this book. Thank you guys for reading this chapter, it was a lot of fun to write, and remember to vote and comment, see ya.

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