Chapter 15

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I reach Dermot and squeal with delight as he gives me a huge hug "Well done you" I hear him say and it makes my grin wider as I pull back "How do you feel?" he asks me and well I'm bursting with so many emotions right now its hard for me pick just a few.

"Uh..where to begin" I laugh abit "I'm just exstatic, over the moon , excited it meant everything to me, everything" I say feeling myself getting all emotional again feeling happy tears trickle down my cheeks "I just want to make my family, friends proud and make Tulisa proud prove to her she made the right choice in taking me threw" I say wiping my face, of course all this is being filmed so I'm probably looing like a panda bear right now but I don't care although I'm sure I will later.

"Congradulations sweetheart" he says and gives me another hug "Thank you" I say and then he lets me go to go make my phonecall home whilst still being filmed,  as I walk alittle further along  towards a set of stairs that go up to another balcony off one of the rooms I pull out my phone and I'm staring off into the mountains as I wait rather impaitiently for someone to answer finally I hear my Aunts voice and as soon as I hear her say my name she was obviously waiting for my call. 

"I'm going to live's"  I say squealing over the phone and I have to hold the phone away from my ear as I hear squealing back down the line and I laugh pulling it back as I hear her telling everyone else in the room and hearing more squeals it takes a few minutes for it to die down and finally my Aunt Kate is speaking to me again the camera's having  cut on me now. 

"Oh honey were so proud of you, we knew you could do it" I litterally have the biggest grin on my face "Thanks Aunt Kate.. I still can't believe it I feel like I'm dreaming" I say now facing the other way and staring out at the crystal blue ocean she laughs "Well that's understandable, do you know who else is threw with you?" she asks. My smile fades slightly at that moment as I realize I have no clue and by now Jade would have been told and 3 of us would be on the cloud 9 whilst the other three would be heartbroken, devestated , crushed and I felt guilty as before I even came out here I knew who I wanted to be in the final three with me.. Kate and Genevive and despite getting to know the other girls it hadn't changed was it bad??? that I felt that way.. I wished it could be four as if it was Amy would be my fourth. 

"Aria.. you there?" I'm dragged out my thoughts by my Aunt saying my name "Sorry  Aunt Kate, no I'll find out when I go back downstairs" I tell her, we talk for a few more minutes about what St Lucia was like, what else we'd done , when I'd be home which was tomorrow and what was going on at home but I kept it short as I'm desperate to know who else got threw I head for the stairs and head down the stairs.

When I got down the stairs I was exstatic to find my two best friends I'd made on this journey Kate and Genevive were going to Live's with me we were all happy but at the same time gutted for Amy.. we spent some time with them before they were wisked off too the airport too go home while we got to stay another night and celebrate abit nothing huge just  dinner with Tulisa so after the girls left we made sure our bags were packed before we got ready. 


Several hours later the three of us joined Tulisa at her Villa once again for a low key celebration dinner, of course we were allowed a few cheeky drinks I tried my first maguerita and I have too say I'd would definitely have one again infact I may have had two. None of us were drunk we were just merry and I think we had every right to be, this was after all a celebration there was laughter jokes, drinks, normal chatter but it hadn't all been about fun we talked about the competition too, and just what was in store of us over the coming weeks, months ahead.

The pressure of performing live every week, tv show apperances, photoshoots, getting used too the papperazzi etc etc it was alot to wrap your head around but Tulisa made us feel at ease..that by the time it came for that stuff we'd be prepared and that she was going to be there for us every step of the way and she'd be available anytime we needed her day or night.

This was our first proper time with Tulisa..with her hair down so to speak, off camera and she was every bit as amazing as I imagined. I had watched her on the show last year and I had formed an opinion and so far she was everything I expected very down to earth, driven, spirted , fiesty I could go on but you get the picture. I knew we had the right judge, and she fully believed in us and that she had the winner in her three. It was just before 10pm when we called in a night Tulisa sending for our car , we did our TEAM TULISA chant all hands in as she saw us out to the car and she told us we'd see her in London the beginning of September when we started preparing for Live shows.

As our car was making it was back too our Villa after our dinner Kate, Genevive and I's laughter and giggles from the high of the night had faded as a more somber mood was taking over..  "I can't believe we have to go home tomorrow" Kate pouts "I know I could get used to life here" Genevive adds  I laugh "Well we have to go back at some point we have Live Shows to do starting in October" I say as the car pulls into the driveway "It sounds so far away when you say it like that" Kate laughs "It will go in quick" Genvive adds as the door opens and we all clamber out the car, me last I notice the sun is just starting to set I stop as the other two are heading up the steps.

"Hey guys lets take a walk on the last sunset" I smile.

"God you don't get views like this at home" Kate says  5 minutes later as the three of us are trudging along the sand our arms linked each of us carrying our shoes.."No you definitely don't" I say as we stop to appriate the site of the sun setting over the ocean..the sky turning from blue to a pinkish orange colour its stunning.

"You can't do this at home either" Kate says shoving her shoes at me and before me or Genevive can't fathom what she's doing she's running into the ocean fully clothed, "OMG Kate" I yell laughing  Genevive soon joining in.

 "Your crazy" she yells at Kate ,  "I know" she yells back over the sound of the waves I just laugh more and shake my head "You'll catch your death" I yell and I turn to Genevive who's putting her shoes down "What are you doing?" I ask  she looks at me and smirks "What does it look like" and she follows Kate into the water.

"Viv" I laugh watching as she runs into the water yelping as she realizes how cold it is and soon there splashin each other "Am I the only sane one of the three of us?" I yell watching the pair of them "No your the boring one who never does anything fun or spontaneous" Kate yells sticking her tongue out.

My eyes widen "Oh yeah?"  "Yeah" Genevive yells backing her up  "Hmm well.."   I say dropping the shoes and narrow my eyes playfully "Who says I can't be" I smirk and I pull my dress over my head and run into the water joining them both squealing and yelping at the cold.


"I still can't believe you did that last night"  Kate says the next morning as were getting ready to leave our Villa to head for the airport I laugh "Well your the one who said I was boring and never did anything fun or spontaneous" I point out as were dragging our suitaces out of our room "True" she laughs.

"What's true?" Genevive asks as she comes out of our room.

"Oh Aria and I were just talking about her little stunt last night" Kate fills her in as we head for the stairs "Ohhhhh that..yeah it was very out of character" I frown "Uh and just how would know what's out of character for me?? we've only known each other about a week tops if you count bootcamp weekend and here" I point out , we get to the bottom of the stairs and the driver takes our bags from us.

She opens her mouth to speak but Kate speaks first "Because you've never been drunk before the party at bootcamp" , "Yes..thats it" Genevive smirks "That pretty much tells us your not the usual risktaker type.. " I laugh "Ooookay whatever you say can we just get too the airport now?" I ask and with that we all head out to the waiting car to take the hour long drive to the Airport it was going to be a long trip home.


Hi readers :) I want to THANK YOU once again for taking the time in following and continuing to read my story I hope your enjoying. And I'm sorry this chapter is shorter than my previous ones and the lack of UnionJ  they will be involved alot more from next chapter onwards this story is from Aria's perspective so I had to go threw her Xfactor experience. I promise lots of drama, romance etc etc so PLEASE PLEASE keep reading thank you

love you all mwah Kylie xxxxxx

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