Chapter 18

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"Wow" I said as I stood by the side of my Uncle's car staring at the grand enterance to The Corintha Hotel whilst my Uncle was getting my suitcacse and bags out the car "Can you believe this is where I'm  well were all staying? I don't even wanna think what it will be costing the network"  I laugh my Uncle laughs with me "Yeah..why do you think were glad me and your Aunt arn't footing the bill" he say closing the boot with a thump snapping me out of people watching as people come and go out the enterance giving the doorman work, I turn and pick up my guitar case putting it over my shoulder and grab the handle of my suitcase pulling it over as my Uncle gets my backpack and laptop case.

"Lets get you inside huh?"  I nod and we make our way up the stairs towards the enterance I struggle abit getting my suitcase up the steps but as we get too the top and the doorman open the door with a...

"Welcome to the Corintha London"

The conceirge appears taking my luggage well my suitace and guitar case I was carrying "Oh thank you" I smile .."Your welcome Miss Spencer" I raise an eyebrow and as he walks off I look at my Uncle who just shrugs "Guess there expecting you" he laughs "Yeah I guess so" I say taking in the view of the lobby, and its just beautiful the huge chandelier in the middle of the ceiling being the center peice its grand, colonial and spotless as well as bustling with activity I feel like I'm in a dream, an kinda out of place like I'm in someone else's shoe's although I kinda felt like that in St Lucia too. "Come on.. " my Uncle nudges me and again I snap out of my thoughts "Oh yeah sorry" I smile and we head to the check in desk.

And like the conceirge the receptionist knows my name as she greets me and welcomes me too the Conrintha and gives me my room key were all getting a deluxe room and informs me my bags had already been taken to my room "Thank you" I smile and she also informs me that there a finalists meeting in the Nelson room on the mezzanine floor I nod taking my key just as I hear a voice..  "Aria.." I turn and see Kate waving like a crazy person I laugh waving back as she leaves her luggage with the conceirge and comes running towards me bear hugging me "OMG your here, I was hoping my roomie would be here when I got here" she laughs I laugh hugging her back "I missed you Ari boo"  she adds as she pulls back "Aww I've missed you too Katey bear" I laugh. "Have you seen anyone else yet?" she ask I shake my head "Nope your the first" I say as she's looking around "I saw Rylan as I came in and I'm sure I saw Triple J.. I mean Union J..I keep forgetting the've changed outside" she laughs looking back at me. And of course my grin gets wider at the mention of there name and she laughs.

"I knew that'd make you grin like that" and of course I immediatly blush and playfully narrow my eyes at her "Shhh my Uncle" I whisper "Soo" she says raising her voice my eyes widen arrived at what she might say but my Uncle saves me "I guess that's my cue too leave" and releif floods me as I turn to him.. "Okay.. thanks again for everything Uncle Paul" I smile and give him a hug, he hugs me back "Your welcome sweety.. knock them dead okay well be watching on tv and we'll all be here for your first live show" he says as I pull back I smile again "Okay" and I take my backpack and laptop bag from him, "Nice too see you again Kate" he says "You too Mr Mikaelson" she smiles he turns back to me "Soo I know its a competition but have fun too, enjoy it this is probably once a lifetime experience live it" he says twirling a curl of my hair around his finger  "Well be proud of you no matter and calls us anytime" he says giving me one last hug I grin and hug him back "Thank you I will" I really had the best family.. even if I wish my parents were here to see this. We leave my Uncle off then I head with Kate back to the desk so she can check in too, happily we discover were room mates and then we take out Hotel maps and head to find the elevators.

As soon as where in she pushes the button for our floor "Were on floor 56" she says pushes the button and the elevator jolts starting to go up, making my stomach drop I groan "Great I hate heights" she laughs and I narrow my eyes at her and I nudge her in the ribs "And before we go any further what the hell was that with my Uncle??.. emabressing me like that" I say and again she's cracking up laughing "Aww come on Ari boo I was just teasing.. and I happen to think its cute you have a crush on Gorgeous George" she says winking her voice disguising the elevator ping and and door open. 

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