Chapter 22

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As I walked further into the room the first thing that struck me was the mess of the room, we'd been here less than two weeks and it looked like the boys had been living here for months clothes, shoes, various gadets  , toiletries etc scattered everywhere across the huge room "OMG" I say turning to glance at George "This place looks like a bombs gone off" I giggle and he says in a very serious voice "Oh well my apologies Miss had I been expecting a visitor I would off tidyed up alittle" smirking before bursting into his perfect giggle and I can't help but laugh too.

"Seriously though there four of us sharing this room an do you know any boys who have tidy rooms?" he asks and well he has a point I didn't have a brother but I'd been in Noah's room and it was never tidy and I had male cousins and there rooms weren't tidy either I continue laughing an nod "Yeah your right I don't and I suppose four untidy boys in one room must be a challange" I smile.

"Exactly" he giggles and walks past me too one of the beds and starts to clear a space on it shifting a few bits and peices around the room before looking at me "Here we go Miss Spencer is this enough space for you?" he asks bowing slghtly an I laugh "Oh I think I can cope with that" I smile an
walk over and sit on the bed where he soon joins me.

"What's in here?"  he asks pulling at my plastic bag "Oh you know the usual stuff girls have when there having a girly night in, lots of junk food" I laugh "Ahh girls night essentials"  he says as his phone buzzes and he pulls it out and checks it "Yep, soo you weren't up for clubbing with Rylan
then?" I ask giggling again refering back to what he told me outside the room "Nope not in the least gay bars arn't my thing" he giggles as he's typing on his phone before he finishes and looks up at me "Not that I'm saying its my bandmates or James I think James just loves Rylan's company an
the boys just wanna have a night out" he explains

"Yeah well we have been coped up in this Hotel for two weeks so too wanna go out I suppose is understandable" I say running a hand through my curls "I'm just too exhausted an I have to go too the train station after rehersals tomorrow morning my Aunt and Uncle and my two best friends are coming for the show on Saturday" I smile lightly.

"That's nice" he smiles back "My dad an sister are coming up tomorrow morning" he adds an I smile back despite feeling a slight twinge on my heartstings at the word sister because it was one person in my family I knew who woldn't be coming too see me Ellie was still not speaking too me "Oh cool I look forward too meeting her" I say trying not too think too much about it as it still upset me, I didn't like knowing I was the cause of my sisters unhappyness. Since moving down too London I hadn't really had much chance too dwell on it we were soo busy except in moments like this when we'd talk about our family or when I spoke too my Aunt or Uncle on the phone I would end the call feeling both happy and sad, the homesickness was bad enough but I had the guilt of upsetting my sister ontop of that as much as she annoyed me at times I loved my sister and I missed her I started too feel my eyes stinging alittle, crap now I was going to start crying infront of George I quickly try too wipe my eyes but ...

"She's looking forward too meeting yo.." he says trailing off an then I hear him say "Ari... are you crying?"  and I know I'm too late he's spotted it ,I sniffle wiping my eyes "Its nothing really, honest" I say putting on a smile through the tears but he's not buying it "No your not.. come here" he says an pulls me into his comforting arms not giving me much choice an I suppose I wasn't complaining as the smell off his cologne hits my nose as I'm buried against his chest sobbing lighty, I feel one arm around my waist an his other arm has his hand rubbing my arm  and despite my current state I still feel my stomach knotting and my face flushing at our closeness in this moment, I know its just because I'm upset but I can't help but wish the fact I'm cuddeling George freaking Shelley the boy I'd been dreaming an obessing about this bumping into him at the auditions was for another reason.

Its been quiet for a few minutes ecept for my sobs, my fingers are edges of his shirt collar with my sobbing quietning I'm starting too feel alittle embaressed now and dreading having too pull back an face him and explain why I just burst into tears I bite my lip for a few minutes before I finally
find my voice.

"I'm sorry" I say as I force myself too pull out of his embrace coming my eyes making contact with his chocolate brown eyes, his perfect cheekbones, full soft looking lips and messy floppy dark hair, he's the definition of perfection an I, well I probably looked like a mess with my mascara streaked

"You don't have too be sorry" he smiles and reaches up and brushes some of my curls out my face  "Do you wanna talk about it?" he asks me.

An I'm sure I see concern etched in his perfect feature's like there had been that night off the bootcamp party a night I'd been reluctant too think about after everything that happened after, the whole not hearing from him and not knowing wether I'd ever see him again, sure things had changed slightly well actually they'd changed alot we were closer but I still didn't know exactly where we stood I hmean he admitted he liked me ad he wanted too spend time with me but what exactly did that mean??, we'd never really speak any proper time alone except for the night we first got here when he too me too the music room things had been too hectic.

I realize I'm lost in my thoughts an George is waiting for an answer, "Umm " I wipe my eyes I didn't want too burden him with my problems "No " I say directly an I'm sure I see a look of disappointment in his eyes an I feel bad "Uh what I mean is thank you but no.. " I smile lightly "I don't think talking about it will help it will probably make me more upset an I already feel like an idiot" I say as he passes me some tissues "Aria I don't think your an idiot and you can talk too me you know I swear I won't say a word too anyone you can trust me" he says reaching out and I feel him take my hand an entwine our fingers squeezin my hand gently in comfort, god could he be any more perfect not only was he gorgeous and a talented musician but he was one of the sweetest boys I'd ever, had ever met well apart from Noah. I find myself smiling abit wider "Okay".


I decided too tell him why I was upset and somehow in doing so I ended up telling him a good portion of my life story, about my parents an grand parents and how gowing up they'd always encourged my singing and interest in music and writing, the little show's I put on at family gathering an how the whole time it had been building a resentment and jealously in my sister and it didn't help my Aunt and Uncle continued too support  me in my dreams after the accident and now because of that and where I was and what I was doing now she hated me, my own sister. I don't know how long I'd talked for but by the time I'd finished I'd gone through almost a box of tissues. I hadn't meant too tell him so much but it just seemed once I started talking I couldn't stop, maybe I'd needed too tell someone it ust so happened to be George. He sat beside me still he had one arm around my shoulder and I was resting my head against his as I sniffled.

"You must think I'm a horrible sister" I say suddenly breaking the silence that had fallen after he finished comforting me after I'd broken down again  "What?"I hear him ask an I lift my head and I meet his eyes as he turns too look at me "Ari that's rediclous why would ever think that off you?" he
smiles lightly "Your not horrible, you didn't know how your sister felt you said it yourself she kept her enthusiasm for singing too herself how were you too know?" he says reaching out for my hand again and squeezing it.

I sigh "I know but I should have known something was wrong I should have tried to talk to her made her tell me how she felt..then maybe she wouldn't hate me so much, I don't know if she'll ever forgive me"  I say biting my lip, he rubs my arm with the hand that rested on mine from him having his arm draped around my shouder "She will, she just needs some time" he smiles again "Yeah maybe.." I smile weakly as I pull my phone out my eyes widen an I jump off the bed "OMG its almost 9....Its been nearly two hours and Kate and Genevive arn't back yet" I quickly go too the door and check the hallway and its silent except distnat female giggling as a door closes at the end of the hallway George joins me at the door an I look and see he's checking his watch to "Wow..they really must like the gym" he gi"ggles "Yeah there real gym bunnies" I laugh awkwardly because well it was true George really had no idea how much they liked that gym due too a certain instuctor.

I decided to try and call Kate "I'm just gonna call Kate see what the hold up is" I say as I pull up her name in my contacts and push call..I turn heading into the room an pace as I wait or her too pick up, which she dosn't and its goes too voicemail.. I wait till the beep then I leave a message.

"Kate Hey its me Aria..just kinda wandering what the hold up is?? I went to get supplies but I forgot my keycard so I'm locked out I would have gotten a spare but since I didn't think you'd be long I waited with George but..its been like two hours so can you like call or txt me ASAP thanks"
I quickly hang up and turn to George "Sorry I just don't know what could be taking so long..I mean how long can you spend in a gym right?" I laugh alittle, he smiles closing the door "Its fine I'd be worried too if the boys had said the same and been gone this long". I walk back over and sit on
the bed and he comes and joins me "Sooo are you okay?.. feel better getting it off your mind?" he asks shifting conversation back too what we'd just talked about, I pulse my lips thinking about it both my hands flat by my sides on the bed looking down my hair falling in my face I sigh and lift my

head brushing curls out my face too look at him "Surprisingly yes I do" I smile honestly "I didn't think I would but I do thank you, I'm sorry for dumping all my problems on you" I say suddenly feeling bad  for bending his ear for so long about my family problems he waves it off "Psh no need too thank me I'm just glad I could help, and actually it feels good because for once you can't call me mean" he jokes and winks at me.

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