Chapter 13

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The flight too St Lucia was going to be long, but not much longer than my previous trips to the USA, I'd been too Disneyland Florida when I was 9 and I'd also been to New York Last November when I turned 16, both had been amazing experiences but even though we were only gonna be here a few days somehow I just felt this weekend would eclipse both of them because this weekend was and could litterally be life changing for me. If I pulled off this audition and made too the Live show's then a whole load of doors could and hopefully would open for me and I could end up doing what I loved for the rest of my life.. the proposition of failure I just didn't want to think about going home and I;d have the rest of the summer holidays but then it'd be back to school, for 6th form don't get me wrong I didn't necessarily hate school Tring Park was a great school and I was pretty popular in school, had great friends and I was a straight A student in most subjects but music was the only thing that excited me, that I felt passionate about and I knew I had to make sure that showed when it came to my audition infront of whoever it turned out to be if I didn't I would be going home, there were only 3 places at Live Shows and there 6 of us.

"Hey girles"  Genevive spoke as she and Amy came up and stood by our seats, we were about 6 hours into the flight now we'd did the filming section we'd been told about when we boarded and now we had just to relax and enjoy the flight and up until now Kate and I had been watching a couple of movies the last one had just kinda finished, I pulled my earphones off "Hey what's up?" I smiled I had nudged Kate with my elbow as she was still engrossed in the tv screen "Oww.." she said turning glaring me one hand on her side when she must have caught a glimpse of the girls and turned her head pulled off her earphones "Oh Hey Viv, Ams enjoying first class?" she asked laughing abit I have no idea why.

"OMG are you like serious of course we were this is seriously well amazing, I've been txting everyone at home and there well jell" Amy said  and I have to admit even I laughed after that, there was just something about the Essex accent and the way they talked that was funny. After we sobered up Genevive had her turn "Yeah its pretty cool..definitely loving the champagne" she smiled. "Me too " Kate spoke.. "I wander if were getting anymore" she looks around for one of the stewards or stewardesses I laugh "Kate I think you've had enough..we don't wanna get there drunk" she rolls her eyes "Shush you just because you have a low torelrance for alcohol dosn't mean we all do" she sticks her tongue at me. "Yeah yeah" I say running a hand threw my curls "how much longer is this flight anyway?" I ask.

"Umm" Genevive looks at her watch.."Well its 10 hours so were about 3/4 of the  way" she smiles glancing at me, I groan "Yay" I get up from my seat I need to stretch my legs be right back" I get up from my seat and decide to take a walk use the facilities whilst I'm up I put my blanket down on my seat and walk past the girls and walk down the cabin my legs stiff even the comfort of first class still dosn't get rid of it completely I notice Leanne and Jade in deep conversation in their seats..we've not really interacted with them much even back at the airport except when the camera's were on us, Dermot was a few seats up he was asleep didn't blame him, seeing him actually made me yawn and feel tired myself I would sleep when I got back. I used the restroom and then headed back to my seat just as dinner was going to be served well I guess I'd have to wait until after dinner. Genevive and Amy returned to their seats and we eat and that was exactly what I did I ate and then I fell sleep despite Kate's protests that I couldn't go to sleep on her and her trying to keep me awake with another movie I nodded off and left her alone as she'd been explaining how she never could sleep on a plane I guess she woudn't be happy at me when I wake up but oh well.

Its I'm guessing several hours later when I hear "Ariaaaaaaaa.." I hear my name as I'm being lightly shaken and slowly being dragged out of my slumber when that bing goes startled me making my eyes go wide.

"Ladies and gentlemen if you will notice out your window we are approaching the beautiful Island of St Lucia our final destination on this flight, in about 10 minutes we will be landing at Hewanorra International Airport so can we ask you too please make sure you are seated with your seatbelts securely fastened when the light goes on thank you"  

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