Chapter One 1

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I had just finished the last question on my paper when "Okay students you can put your pens and papers down" Mr  Geller announced relief flooded threw me finally, I'd made it..just my last mock exam was finally over and so was school for summer break, well techincally study leave as we had exams over the next few weeks before we were offically on break. I hurridly packed up my things looking over my shoulder and grinning at my best friend Noah, yes he's a guy we'd been friends for pretty much most of my life  he’d been there for me at my darkest times, after the accident  carrying on encouraging me with my singing and writing though he never pushed me when I took my break from singing and performing I was happy he shared my love for music and enrolled in the same school I honestly didn't know where I'd be without him I mean I have other friends, but he was the one who knew me best.

So much so people often thought we were a couple, but we weren't.. the idea was ewww he was like a brother to me even if he was hot, I met up with him at the door of the classroom "Hey" I smiled pulling an apple out my bag and taking a bite, "Hey yourself" he said as we filled out along with the rest of the class "Soo how'd it go?.." I shrugged "It was okay ..except one question but I think I figured it out" I said feeling rather smug,

He raised an eyebrow "Which question?..come on tell me you know your dieing to know if you got it right" I rolled my eyes. Noah Lawson as well as being funny, charming and well yes hot was pretty much a genius and everyone knew it, Aria was the only person who ever actually bothered to debate with him, which was probably the reason that she'd been his best friend since fifth grade. She gave up far too easily half the time, but he didn't care. He liked her spunk. She seemed to be the only girl at Hillsley who actually understood him and his terrible sense of humor. So I explained the question and my chosen answer and he was a laughing at me and shaking his head.. clearly that meant I got it wrong and I frown I was sure it he told me the right answer.

"The answer was D," I argued as we walked down the hall stopped by my locker. He scoffed. "Nuh-uh it was definitely B." He glanced at her from the corner of his eye and chuckled at her stubbornness. Her blue eyes were filled with determination and denial.

"If 'none of the above' is an option, you always take it, Noah. Come on you learn that stuff you learn in sixth grade!" I laughed and looked back up to him. Even though I knew there was no point in arguing with him anyways; he was always right about everything. "I got that question wrong, didn't I?".

He grinned. "Yup." I groaned "Great.. I can't fail English" I said as I closed my locker and we made their way through the hall. "If my GPA drops…" and next thing I felt was a nudge on the shoulder. "Loosen up. We all know you're going too Julliard unless some big huge record labels snaps you up before then." he grinned " Stop worrying." 

We made their way outside too the parking lot. Kelsey my other best friend waved from by my car I was giving her a ride "I can tutor you, if you want," Noah offered after a short while.I smiled softly. "Tonight?" Noah's green eyes locked with hers, a playful glint in his shining pools of hazel. "I thought that I was coming to your house anyways to watch that Scream marathon now you got the lastest one. Now we have to study?" Jokingly, he let out an aggravated groan, causing me to hit him on the shoulder. "Well come over earlier and we can study first , Hey Kels" I greeted her as I unlocked my car "Hey Aria..Noah so movie fest is still on??"  she teased she was always teasing us about our relationship/friendship".

"Yes it is but now were studying I'll see you say 6.30?" I asked Noah.. "Sure..I'll be there.. see ya Kels" he gave us a wave and walked off completely ignoring Kelseys comments. I went to climb in the car and I could see her mouth open I raised my hand "Don't even Kels seriously" I warned glaring slightly "Come on..I have some errands too run" I said and we climbed in the car.


Several hours later studying was done my Aunt and Uncle had gone out and it was movie time, I was coming back from the kitching with a huge bowl of freshly made popcorn which I sat on the coffee table "Remind me again why we even have to watch those stupid movies if we've already seen them more than twice??"

"Because," Noah started. "Watching you hold up a pillow to your face whenever the killer's wandering around is priceless and gives me endless opportunites to tease you"I  rolled my eyes "Yes you do like to tease and embaress me" I picked up a cushion and threw it at him, he laughed "Hey do that again and I'll do more than just tease and embaress you Spencer" he playfully narrowed his eyes at him. I laughed "Whatever" as I flopped on the sofa beside him and picked up the remote and started the dvd "Ohh did you order the pizza?" I asked as I picked up the pop corn , eating a handful "Yup, should be here soon" he informed me so we settled down to our movie marathon.

 By the time we were on the 3rd movie was pitch black in the house, except for the blue light coming off of the TV, reflecting on us, we had started off with two large blankets covering us, but now we had one blanket was cocooned around me while the second had fallen to the floor where the empty pizza box now lay. I, had been caught up in the movie to pick up the blanket and I spent alot of time with my face buried in Noah's shoulder to avoid watching the gore.

He, on the other hand, was watching without even flinching. No doubt enjoying every second of my squirming and jumping at every 'scary' moment.Luckily, Noah decided he needed a bathroom break and I let out a breath of relief. "I have no idea why I even watch these with you," I sighed. Noah looked at me with an arched brow. "Okay, I love watching them. But I hate it at the same time." I continued.

He smiled. "Well it's tradition. We've been doing this since, when?" I started to laugh as I thought back to when our tradition started, loud laughter coming from me as I remembered it. "Since we were like in 5 grade when we weren't allowed to watch R rated movies…" 

Noah's eyes shone with happineanytime we wnss at the memory. "…And my brother who worked at the video store used to sneek them to us," he chuckled."And we'd hide in your bedroom anytime we wanted to watch one hiding under a blanket and pillows..while your parents would think you were at my house and my parents would think we were out playing"

"Yes!" Noah exclaimed with a wide grin. "Oh god," I barely got out my fit of giggles. She knew that the situation wouldn't have been funny to anyone who heard them, but the image of them as two little kids, huddled up under blankets using pillows for covers see what the hype of Scream was about… it was enough to make her crack up.

Noah calmed himself down and realized Aria was still laughing, a sound that was enough to get him chuckling once again. God, her laugh was so beautiful and so contagious… and her smiling was the most gorgeous thing he'd ever seen. It was an understatement to say that he had a crush on her… after spending so much time with her, he'd fallen in love.

Noah and Aria had always told each other everything, but that was the one thing he kept from her because he knew she didn't feel the same. We both came down from our high of the giggles and nostalgia and Noah went too the bathroom, I refilled the popcorn when he came we settled back down and turned the movie back on. Again I was hiding behind a cushion..bracing myself for the moment when the masked killer struck when I'd jumpsn't no masked killer striking it was the telephone I almost jumped 3 feet in the air.Noah was laughing his head off at me "Geez Aria chill its only the phone..I'll get it" he paused the movie with a smirk reached over to answer it, I narrowed my eyes at him and threw the cushion at him which he ducked as he answered.

"Hello Spencer residence""Yeah..yeah she's right here just a sec" he held the phone out to me "Its for you" he spoke *Oh okay* I said casually taking the phone out his hand expecting it toobe Kelsey or Nicole "Yoo what's up?" I said as I climbed off the sofa.."Gonna get more soda's" I whispered to Noah , he nodded.

"Miss Spencer?" said a rather polite and curtous voice I frowned "Uh..yeah.. who is this" I asked opening the fridge door "Oh finally I'm sorry for calling so late we've been trying to reach you all day".. the woman laughed poiltely.."Uh yeah its kinda a bad habit of ours forgetingt to check messages..I didn't catch who you were.. " I spoke grabbing too soda's from the fridge using my shoulder to hold the phone to my ear "Oh I'm sorry I though I did..I''m Louise Parker I'm calling from the XFACTOR"...  

    Don't worry guys George will be introduced soon :) hope you enjoyed xx

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