Chapter 8

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Instead off going backstage I'm shown down the set of stairs at the side and I have to walk up threw the crowd who are clapping and cheering, the feeling is indescriable , knowing a song I wrote has gotten this reaction, a few people grab my hand as I walk past and I smile at them threw my tears. When I get threw the stage doors Dermot is once again waiting with the camera crew

"That was some reaction.. how do you feel?" he asks me.. "Umm" I trail off wiping my eyes as I pull my guitar over my head and place it down on the floor "Stunned.." I say finally.. "I don't know what to say" I laugh alittle "I wasn't expecting it at all last time was amazing but this.. this tops it most amazing feeling ever to get a reaction like that to something I wrote..I can't..." I  trail off  completely breaking down into happy sobs putting my hands over my mouth and he gives me a hug, rubbing my back "Well done sweartheart its over now"  and it continue's for a few minutes.

"Thank you" I mutter into his shoulder, when I pull back the camera is cut and again I'm told they want to film me, for a little segment to go along with my bootcamp audition. Again it all happens in abit of a blur and takes less than 45 minutes,  it might have taken less had I not needed to go fix my make-up first. Once its done I'm ushered threw the doors and well that's it I've done all I can its in the hands of the judges now, all I know is its going to be a long 24 hours.

I head back towards the main lobby of the arena I'm in sort of daze when suddenly I hear "Aria.. over here" ..I recognize the voice as kate's and I glance around.

My eyes finally finding her sitting on the sofa with a very familar face.. George and three other boys very attractive boys "Come join us" she waves me over and winks. Immediatley all thoughts about tomorrow and finding out my fate are replaced with thoughts of she's totally going to embaress me infront of these boys about George. I can already feel myself blushing already, crap this was not good I make my way over.

"Aria .. this is Josh, Jaymi, and JJ and you already know George I was waiting for you to be done when George saw me and we all got chatting" she chuckles "Boys this is Aria who I'm sure George has told you all about "  sniggering, and right then I cringe wanting the ground to swallow me up my face flushing I want to cover my face with my hands but I don't, I just try to be natural "Hi..nice to meet you, you must be the friends George mentioned" I manage to speak quickly grabbbing my water to take a sip.

"Nice to meet you too, Aria " Josh is the first speak... "A pleasure Aria" says..I think Jaymi so I'm guessing the last one is JJ "Hi Aria and actually George did tell us all about you" he smirks and thats it I almost choke on my water. Woah hold up?? he'd been talking about me to these boys HOLy CRAP, I cough abit and try and calm myself while hearing sniggers all around "Really.. all good I hope" I say recovering slightly Kate is really loving seeing me squirm. And George  dosn't seem phased at all, what did that mean?? my heart sinks slightly if he's not embaressed maybe it means he dosn't like me??.

"It was all good " JJ says, I smile "Well thats good to know" I say finding my voice still completely embaressed, yep I would definitely get Kate back for this I wasn't sure how yet but I would. "Anyway soo how did it go?" Kate asks and I'm releived to hear the subject being changed away from me and George "Uhh yeah..really good" I smile "Amazing actually I'm still abit stunned to be honest" "YAY" she  says excitedly clapping "I bet you were amazing" she smiles  I was okay" she shrugs "Kate you were more than okay? seriously" I tell her "Well I guess its down to the judges to decide in the end isn't it" she  spoke, "Yeah I guess" I turn to the boys "Have you guys been yet?"

"George has.. we haven't.. " Jaymi speaks, I look at George frowning "But I thought??.." I trail off he laughs "Yeah..they missed me off the list they called me back after" he smiles and I grin "OMG that's'd it go?" I ask because of course I wanna know how it went..his chances of getting threw "Yeah it was good, crowd seemed to enjoy it.. taste of your lips I'm on a royde"  he sings the last part and I giggle "You sang toxic really?"  I ask and he nods "Yep" I giggle some more "That I would have loved to have seen" he laughs too "Soo what happened with your guitar?" he changes the subject

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