Chapter 26

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George immediatley pulls away allowing me to it up brushing awkwardly brushing my hair from my face which is burning hot "Um oppsie looks like were itterupting" Kate says tryingto hold back her giggle grinning ear to ear 

"Your not kidding sorry George mate" Jaymi agree's winking at him oh god what did he think he had been about too itterupt, it wasn't gonna..well go any further well at least I didn't think so suddenly my mind is racing god had George thought.... no I quickly shake those thoughts away he wouldn't he wasn't like that this was our first kiss, kisses our first proper moment an we hadn't even been on a date yet if we were even gonna be dating after this?? I mean he had said he was falling for me so surely that meant we'd be together right?? my mind really was racing but I had to shake the thoughts away again as I had this embaressing moment too deal with.

George's giggle brought me out off my sort of daze "Its okay although were curious as too what kept you in the gym so long katey bear?" he raises an eyebrow trying to shift the conversation from what they'd walked in on both Kate an Jaymi laugh "Oh uh uh nice try Shelley boy but your not turning this around an making it about me especially not considering what we just walked in on" Kate says. I roll my eyes an get up from the bed an fetching my bag of things I'd brought too the boys room.

 "Okay fun's over can we just go an have our girls night now?" I ask my tone slightly irrated why when two people liked each other an wanted to be together did everyone else have too tease them about it?? It always annoyed me. Everyone in the room had kinda fallen silent, "Uh yeah.. Genevive an Amy are in our room already" Kate says clearly surprised by my tone "lets go" she added.

You could say it was a rather awkward after that Kate too her leave to wait for me outside and Jaymi disappeared into the bathroom leaving George an I alone too say our goodbye's. "We'll have fun at your girls night" he said with a smile, I smiled back "Thanks I'm not sure about that though I'm pretty sure I'm gonna spend the entire night now being itterogated as too what's happened between us tonight" I force a laugh, he sighs "I'm sorry .. it doesn't sound like fun" he admits. I shrug "Its fine.. an don't apologise no one knew they were gonna walk in" I glance at the door then then back at George "I better go.." I smile weakly an turn too leave when he catches my hand as I hear my name"Aria" rolling off his lips an again my fingers are tingling as his fingers slide between mine as I half turn too face him "Yeah?" I ask my heart hammering in my chest as my blue orbs are locked on his chocolate brown pools.

"Just wanna make sure despite the itteruption you don't regret what's happened here tonight?" he asks an I see he's biting his lips slightly clearly unsure my heart melts alittle, god he's too perfect "Of course I don't" I smile at him "Even if they do tell everyone " I manage a small an even a laugh he laughs too before he leans in an kisses my cheek "Then goodnight Miss Spencer.. see you tomorrow" he says as he pulls back "You will, goodnight Mr Shelley" I say trying not too giggle too much as I leave the room. I wasn't sure if we would actually get too see each other tomorrow we'd all be busy with rehearsals an our family's were coming but I suppose neither off us wanted too say that, I met Kate in the hall an we walked quietly back too our room where as she said Genevive an Amy were waiting, an we settled in for our movie night.It didn't take long for Kate too spill the beans as expected an yes I was intterogated somewhat but it wasn't as bad as I thought, I wandered if George was getting the same from the boys right now. We didn't stay up too late as we were all up early next morning we called in a night around 12.30am, Amy and Genevive left an it was straight to bed as tomorrow was busy with a gym session and rehearsals before having too head too the train station too meet my Aunt, Uncle Noah and Kelsey, Nicole and I still weren't on the best terms I mean she'd txt'd me a few times an I'd replyed but she still seemed off with me.


My first thought when woke up the following morning, Friday my immediate thought was last night with George had been a dream, it had too have been something that perfect couldn't have been real and have happened too me but the memory was too vivid for it too be a dream an as I began too wake up I had a massive smile on my face it really had been perfect. Well at least it was perfect until Kate and Jaymi barged into the room something I really wish she hadn't happened, an they both had this look on their face's clearly Kate was pleased to have walked in on this moment and as soon as we got back too our room she told Genevive an Amy. I had no illusions that she, Jaymi an no doubt the other Union J boys would be soon telling Carolyn,  Melanie, Rylan, James and basically our entire little Xfactor family by the end off today as pretty much since we'd been here they were all beginning too suspect something had happened or was about too happen between George and me.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 30, 2015 ⏰

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