Chapter 14 Part 1

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The six of us girls are now squealing and jumping up and down in excitement, all of us had kinda said the same thing we wanted either Tulisa or Nicole as our judge so it was safe to say we were happy at seeing Tulisa on that boat as it approached she was waving at us and we were waving back, I had my hands over my mouth. As the boat finally came ashore our squeals turned to cheers and clapping as Tulisa was helped off the boat "Girls girls girls" she said smiling brightly "Happy to see me?" she asked and of course we all said yes pretty much at the same time between our squeals and clapping. 

 She laughed "Good.. Welcome to St Lucia..I hope you've all settled in and are ready for work because this isn't a holiday, your here because we saw something special in each of you, a spark, a raw talent" she speaks her eyes meeting with each of us, the excitement I was feeling minutes was started to turn to nerves. "And now you girls have to bring it to another level.." she snaps her fingers "As I can only take three of you to Live shows" I'm suddenly feeling rather sick again. "And I don't want you to make that descion easy for me, show me what you got, find that other level okay" she says.

 We all kinda nod silent, I think were all feeling the pressure now "Good.. so I guess there's one thing left to do before we get down to the serious business, as you know I won't be making my descion alone I'll have some help" the sound of another boat approaching fills our ears I glance behind Tulisa and see it approaching "Soo let me have the pleasure of introducing my good friend.. and muti platinum selling, award winning artist..andd my guest mentor Tinie Tempah" 

 More squeals, cheers and clapping erupt more our little group as the boat comes ashore and he's right there infront of us and I will admit I'm star struck I'm a big fan of Tinie Tempah, he and Tulisa share a hug before he turns and adresses us girls. "Hey ladies I know you must be excited, nervous, etc etc..but at the end of day this is a competition and I'm here to help Tulisa make a descion on who she chooses as her final three so we want you to give us everything you got".

 Tulisa nods and adds "Shows us why YOU deserve that place in live shows, are you ready girls??"  she asks, we all kinda look at each other and nod "Alright lets do this" she shouts putting her hand out and down, we all get in a circle and put our hand in "In 3, we say Team Tulisa .." she says and we all nod as she starts to count "1... 2..." and there's a pause before she says "3"  "TEAM TULISA" we all yell pulling away from our circle its only then do I remember that our whole little sequence has been filmed as there a fil crew behind us. But there soon yelling cut and Sophie the producer comes up too us as were breifed and what's gonna happen now. Were gonna get to go back to the Villa where we have a couple of hours to prepare, chil etc before were taken too 'Tulisa's house'  I say that because we don't really know if these judges houses locations are real..anyway they'll be a bit of filming once we get there and then its down to the serious matter of why were here, our performances.

 Tinie and Tulisa head off to get there car to the house, the film crew start packing up and us girls are left to head back to our Villa which is only just up the beach, to be honest I'm still abit starstruck as I star walking beach up the beach stopping to take my shoes off one at a time.. I hear my name "Aria.." I turn to see Kate catching up to me a light smile on her face "Hey" I say contining to walk "Soo you ready for the audition..pretty cool Tinie Tempah is our guest mentor", she says catching up to me.

"Yeah it is.. and as for being ready I suppose I am as I'll ever be" I say not looking her way. She sighs "Aria I'm really sorry.. I should have told you about Jaymi, JJ and Josh txting me, I wanted too it just" she pauses "I know how much you wanted to hear from George I didn't want too upset you or make you feel like I was rubbing it in your face that I'd heard from Jaymi and you heard from.." she trails off. I  glance at her and sigh before speaking "Its okay" I smile lightly "I'm just being stupid..I mean its not like George is with them" the worry leaves her face "Soo were good?.. your still my bestie?" she asks I laugh and nod "Of course" she immediatley squeals and throws her arm around me "YAY.."  and I giggle and she laughs too as I rest my head against hers as we walk back towards the Villa.  

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