Chapter 5

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Time seemed to be passing rediclously slow since my dad left me at the enterance of the O2 Arena I sat in a corner with my back to the building guiat propped up against the glass, as more and more people were beginning to arrive I never felt so alone in my life even though slowly. It seemed everyone was here with someone else and there were in pairs, or groups of thre, four or more chattting animatedly and I here I was looking a lemon, just me and my guitar which I still hadn't decided if I was going to use yet in my song.

 As time ticked by I'd been txting my Aunt..I only txt'd her to let her know we'd gotten here okay but it turned into a stream of txt's back and forth her reminding me of how well I'd done last time and that this time would be just as good if not better. I just agreed trying to sound positive..even though I still wasn't sure I'd make it past the first cut which would probably be coming before I even got the chance to sing again, I'd seen the how often enough not everyone they'd said yes too at auditions would be singing again, my stomach twisted with nerves at the thought.

Suddenly the gathering crowd was hushed by the loud voice coming from the door "Good morning everyone.. " I scarmbled to my feet turning to look at the man in black with the clip board "Welcome too Boot Camp, we got alot of people to get thre in a very short window so we need to listen to our instructions carefully, we've been going around handing out numbers.. DO NOT lose it as we be calling you in in groups of 20 to see the judges who will then let you know if you've made it to the next stage of bootcamp..after that you will be given more instructions so until we call you we ask that you wait here.. thank you"  and he went back inside as everyone started chatting agmonst themselves again.

 I sighed it looked like another long morning of waiting.. wait..I hadn't got my number yet and I was about to head for the door when a yound woman wearing black approached me..*Here you go" she smmiled "Looking for that huh?* she asked me I chuckled "Uh yeah..thanks"  I smiled "No problem..good luck" she said to me moving on I looked down at my peice of paper it said 206.. well that wasn't as bad as last time I though when I was startled by a voice..

"Looks like your in my group"  I practically jumped a mile as I turned my head only to clap eyes on a very familar mop of wavy brown hair and as I moved down brown eyes and that gorgeous smile "..OMG George" I smiled "You scared me half to death "I chuckled" , he chuckled too and by god did he have the most adorable laugh "Yeah I saw.. and I see you remember me" he smirked. 

And instantly I cringed feeling my face flush.."Oh..umm well its kinda hard to forget someone when you had a a heart attack thinking you'd broke their guitar" I lied thinking quickly on my feet, I hoped he bought it again he laughed that adorable giggle. "I'm just teasing..I remember you too is Aria right?" he asked raising an eyebrow smiling now it was my turn to laugh and I nodded "Yeah it is" I smiled "Nice to see you again.." I added and he nodded "You too..I'm glad you got threw although I had a feeling you would", I frowned "You did?..why?" I asked curious.."Well.. perhaps I might have just heard your audition" he spoke grinning. 

My eyes widened in surprised " did?" I stuttered "I didn't see you..there" he laughed "Yeah..well you wouldn't I was hanging out backstage with a couple of people I met after my audition we got talking and I hung around with them while they waited there turn, they were cool guys and we heard a few other ausitions and yours was one" he explained. I nodded.. feeling like rolling my eyes at myself of course he'd have some other reason for being backstage atyour audition than hanging around to watch you. "Oh well that's cool..did they get threw? I mean you obviously did?" I laughed and he nodded "Yeah they did" he said glancing around.."I haven't seen them yet..hopefully I will at some point" he said before looking back at me "I'll introduce you" he smiled.

God that smile gave me butterfly, I nodded quickly and smiled "Sure that'd be great, I mean I'd like that" I chuckled, "Okay great.." he smiled back.."Soo you here alone?" he asked, I nodded.."Well I'm here at the O2 alone my Uncle is here buts he's gone to book us a Hotel".. 

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