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Kate, Genevive, Amy and I stood together as we watched the band of people that fell into the over 28's category head for the wooden door's for their turn to hear their fate. And were next god my stomach is churning not just from nerves but from the hangover I was still suffering why on earth I'd allowed myself to get talked into drinking I have no idea. No, wait of course I do being the one of the youngest contestants and definitely the youngest in our little group of dare I say 'friends' I didn't want too seem immature or feel left out in anyway, which really was stupid because if it hadn't been for George god knows what state I would be in now. I might not have made it out of bed or worse I could wound up in hospital..George my thoughts were drifting to him again no matter how hard I tried to put him out of my head I couldn't. Even thought I hadn't heard a peep from him since he left this morning..I found my eyes drifting around the Arena lobby, surely he was here somewhere perhaps with JJ, Jaymi and Josh  or maybe with the rest of the boys in his group.

"Soo its 6 from each group that go threw to judges houses right?" Amys distinctive Essex accent drags me out my thoughts and I turn my head back to the girls who are sitting down again, I sit down too "Yeah 6"  Kate confirms "Wouldn't it be awesome if the four us made it" Amy grins. "Of course it would but lets not get ahead of ourself the likelyhood of the four us u..." she trails off and sighs. "Sorry.. I'm not saying that none of us or all of us arn't "

"Kate its okay" I smile.. "I think I understand what your saying, I think we all do right girls?" I ask looking between Genevive and Amy and they both nod with similar somber expressions. I do know what kate means, and she's right the likelyhood of the four off us finding each other and becoming friends and all four of us going on to getting threw the Judges  Houses was pretty slim. The best outcome was maybe , two of us and if we were realy lucky three but four was doubtful. My stomach growled and twisted with nerves the waiting was killing me and my insides.

"Can we have the girls category come this way, and make your way backstage" came the voice from the man in black with the clip board.

"OMG OMG  I don't know if I can do this..I can't hear a no " Kate said as we fumbled about getting outselves together as we stood up to be honest she shocked me with her words I thought Kate was the more confident one out of us even though I remember her being nervous before her audition yesturday and in my opinion from what I heard she was a shoe in to get threw, I couldn't say about Amy or Genevive I hadn't heard them sing. I turned to her "Kate  you can do this, your amazing I heard you sing yesturday if you don't get threw then I have no hope" I smile at her taking her hands laughing abit, she manages a small laugh.

"Okay do something for me" I tell her "Take a deep breathe", "Okay" she says doing as I ask , I speak again "And let it go.." again she follows my instruction and also when I ask that she repeat it. "Your gonna get threw" I squeeze her hands. She nods and gives me a hug "You too" I hug her back for a few seconds then pull away"Feel calmer, ready?" I ask "Abit" she laughs nervously, "Well wether your ready or not his is it" Genevive tells us and I smiled weakly as we started too follow the other small groups of girls heading to the door there must have been say 25-30 of us in total and only 6, six would be going to judges houses such a small number. Once threw the door were lead backstage where we'd been many times before.

"Wait here until the juges are ready for you" the clipboard guy announces and disappears again, apparently there having a break. 

As we wait the Over's are coming off stage some of them looking dejected, heartbroken it really tugged on your heart strings seeing there faces because for most of them there chance here at XFactor was there last shot at acheving there dream, of course it wasn't all heartbreak we saw the succesful candidtes too and Dermot was on hand interviewing some of them. Sitting here watching it all unfold was just bringing it all home how much I wanted this, how much getting as far as  I could in this competition or dare I even say it winning it meant too me. Not just because I wanted to make my parents proud but because it was my dream, I loved singing, writing music more than anthing else in the world I wasn't good at anything else- well I was I was a straight A student but nothing else excited me, nor did I have a passion in anything else though I had always said if I didn't make it as a singer I would so something music related ..teach perhaps or musical theatre I hadn't decided I had a wealth of options at Tring. But now this is my time and I had to cling to the hope that it would be good news. 

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