Chapter 12 Part 2

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My mouth dropped open slightly as the room fell silent after a few gasps my eyes locked on Kelsey as she stood in the doorway, gift in one hand the other brandishing a letter, and obviously I knew what letter it was. I was cursing myself for obviously not hiding it well enough and also I was slightly shocked at her for just coming out with it like that infront of everyone.. my eyes quickly found Noah.

I could think of a few word to describe his face, he looked hurt, disappointed, perhaps angry even and I suppose I couldn't blame him I hadn't told him I hadn't told anyone about George. My eyes moved to my Aunt and Uncle it was fairly safe to say they didn't look to impressed either Ellie is the only one who looks happy at this point no doubt loving the fact I had screwed up "Aria.. care to explain yourself" My Aunt Kate asks after what feels like an enternity, I swallow hard. "Uhh.. its not what what it sounds like really" I say  "Well please explain who is this boy... and why was in in your room??" she says her tone now very authoritive. I open my mouth to speak but before I can utter a word Noah gets up from the sofa and leaves the room.. 

I groan and go to go after him.."Noah.." but my Aunt stops me.."Oh no you don't.. we want an explanation young lady" just as my Grandpa suggests he take Noah and Kelseys parents and the three girls into the conservatory for drinks, my Uncle agrees and we wait till there gone before my Aunt speaks again"Now come sit.." so I walk over and sit beside her, my Uncle on a chair nearby I sigh. I have no words to describe how awkward it was explaining what happened too my Aunt and Uncle, there not angry just disappointed I wasn't honest about what happened while I was gone. I apologise and its all forgotten and they let me go to find Noah who is going to be much harder too get to forgive me I'm sure.

I head for the front door grabbing my coat and opening it stepping outside  only to stop dead in my tracks seeing him standing there by the edge of the steps.  I was relieved he hadn't left but I knew that didn't mean he wouldn't be upset that I rejected him and had met someone else and well he had every right to be I knew that but I thought surely he'd know that I didn't do it too intentionally hurt him that I might have a reason and in my head I did I was scared, scared of how he'd react , that he might walk away from me and I couldn't bare that.

I swallowed hard and took another step closer "Noah" I said my voice low.. incase anyone inside heard.."I..I.. thought you'd left.. " I felt like groaning at myself that was very lame way to start an apology."Nope... but I sure am leaving" he spoke  took the next couple steps down onto the gravel and he told me he may not have left but he was leaving as he started down the steps I immediatley went to follow but he stopped once on the gravel I stopped too then he turned around. He stopped and turned around his eyes watery with tears he looked so hurt.

"I told you how I felt Aria, you knew was falling for you, and you said you don't feel the same..and I accepted it and believed that it was the only reason...when its not at all is it?? " he glares at me before turning away from me.

My heart ached as every word he spoke made it feel like someone peircing it with a knife, conflicting emotions coloured and dripped off every word as he spoke at me about how I'd hurt him. "Noah please let me explain, isn't how it sounds yes he was in my room but not like that I was ill.. he was there just to make sure I was okay" I beg, he turns to glance at me "What do you mean to make sure you were okay?" he asks again I sigh. 

"I got alittle drunk, there was a party on the Saturday night for all the Bootcamper's..George and his friends were going they invited us so we went and I got alittle drunk and I was sick he stayed to make sure I was okay that's all" I explain "Nothing happened" I say my eyes starting to sting the hurt on his face making my heart ache. 

 There's a silence now as I wait for his response he's looking at me and for once in all our years off friendship I can't read his thoughts time seems too be passing slowly "But you want it too right?? he clearly he does.. sleeping beauty..kinda cliche isn't it" he laughs but in a sarcastic tone I don't like I sigh "Noah..I'm sorry I didn't tell you, I should have but like I said nothing is going on..were just friend wether I like him or not dosn't really matter I don't even know if  he likes me or if I will  even see him again and I haven't heard from him since" I decide to point out.

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