Chapter 4

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Once I get backstage I squeal with delight as I practically jump downstairs  to where my little 'family' are waiting grins on their face's my Aunt is crying I leap into the arms of my Uncle who's eyes are sparkling with tears too he spins me around hugging me tight.

"Your were amazing Aria, amazing" he said  brokenly chuckling his voice raw with emotion, he puts me down and I turn to my Aunt who hugs me tight before pulling back and holding my head in her hands "Oh baby your mom and dad woud be so proud" she beams I smile wiping my face "That's all I want, to make them proud even if this is as far as I get" I say trying to keep calm the whole moment is over whelming I'm so happy I turn around too Dermot is there with camera crew.

He approaches and smiles "Well done you? how do you feel?" and well to be honest I'm abit dumbstruck for words "Uh.." I pulse my lips.. "Umm.. just..amazing,  I loved it " I smile "Everything the judges comments.. the crowd it was incredible best moment of my life" I say wiping my eyes "Congrats hunnie" he says giving me a hug rubbing my back "Thank you" I say my head spinning thinking someone pinch me I'm being hugged by Dermot O'Leary and I just got four emormous yes's from the judges. 

He finally pulls back "Go celebrate we'll see you at bootcamp" I nod in abit of a daze before I'm suddenly surrounded by Nicole, Kelsey and Noah the three of us girls squealing abit bless Noah for ignore us but he was used to our 'fangirling' sessions he was used too it, they were all speaking so fast it was hard to catch it all but I believe in there was 'congrat's and 'I knew you could it' and all that stuff. I was on such a high and I didn't think anything could ruin this moment I was going to bootcamp.. but then I thought back to earlier in the day and the boy I met, George he'd had the most amazing smile . the twinkle in his eye when he did, his floppy hair and perfect cheekbones and my bubble of my high seemed to burst what if I never saw him again?? we didn't exchange numbers and I only knew him by his first name I didn't even know if he had made it to bootcamp god I hoped so. Bootcamp was 4 weeks away it seemed so long..I wanted us to do what we talked about jam on our guitars.

"Hellooo Aria come back from La La Land" I heard Nicole voice as my eyes blinked and I saw a hand waving infront of my face and I snapped out of "Oh sorry" I smiled weakly glancing at my friends "You okay?" Kelsey asked looking concerned "Oh yeah, yeah I'm fine" I smiled.

We were getting ready to leave when the film crew approached us, asking if we wouldn't mind waiting behind as they wanted to film a small segment of me, with my family that would go along with my audition and my VT I filmed before of course we agreed. Suddenly the realization was hitting me that not only had I gotten threw too boot camp I was gonna be TV, yeah of course I knew XFactor was screen on tv but to be honest I hadn't really thought about that side of it.

I just thought about the judges, my performances and getting threw each stage but now I was remembering that yes I would be on tv every week, it was all too much to take in I just nodded. The whoe thing took about an hour an a half to film and went by in a blur mostly did what I had too, they filmed us waiting arriving, leaving and abit waiting around before the audition, they'd already got my family and my actual audition and post re-action on film it'd be edited together later. 

 We left after that to make the drive back too Tetney, Grimbsy my home for two weeks before I had to be back at Tring park for the starts of my GSCE's. It was during the drive I remembered as an XFACTOR contestant you can't tell anyone except for the people who were with you, and I guess close family how you did as it was all to be kept secret to be revealed as each episode aired  and well I must confess I was kinda worried, would my family be able to keep quiet, could I?? especially my sister Ellie I guess we'd see.


Two weeks later I was back in Liverpool, Tring Park Music school GSCE's in full swing, they were going pretty good considering I was surprised at my ability to concentrate on revison since my audition but I managed I had Noah and Kelsey to help me, Nicole went to school back in Tetney. Whenever I had spare time I'd be somewhere with my guitar and song book I carried around, writing lyrics I wanted to have some new stuff written for possibe song choice's at boot camp I also had other's I hadn't written in mind and I'd been practicing it seemed I was changing my mind every 5, 10 minutes or so Kelsey and Noah would say. It was a sunny day in early July and it was lunchtime so me Kelsey and Noah were sitting outside under our favourite tree having lunch enjoying the sun chatting.

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