Chapter 45: Misunderstandings

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Kyra's POV

No matter how much I tried to picture myself with Nick, it didn't add up. My husband's face popped up in the picture.

He was the first man I ever loved. He gave me my first kiss, my first orgasm and my first physical intimacy with a man.

Despite all the fights and messed up feelings, he was an amazing man. I couldn't ask for more. My love was enough for both of us. He didn't have to love me back.

My life without him was just a mess. I needed him.

His desperateness on the plane broke my heart. His eyes said it all. I was hurting him. I broke his trust and maybe his heart too.

He looked depressed and stressed out. His eyes said it all. I had never seen him so down before. I didn't want to make assumptions.

Maybe something personal was bothering him and I had totally nothing to do with it. I didn't deserve his worry. He had already been through a lot by supporting me through a difficult phase in my life.

I didn't want to see him suffer. He was my husband and my marriage vows to him were sacred to me. I'd never be at peace in a relationship with another man, especially his close friend.

I couldn't sleep with all these thoughts bugging me. I had to talk to him about it at least and find out what was bothering him.

I got up and slipped into my slippers. I grabbed my fleece robe from the hanger and put it on. I had decided to sleep in lingerie that night for a change.

My legs kinda ached from all the walking I did during the day. I was just in a good mood after a visiting one of my favourite places in the world after a long while.

I walked slowly out of my bedroom. Jayden's bedroom was on the other side of the villa. I was happy we were sharing the villa together with Nick and Kylie since there were four bedrooms.

I passed by the bar in our villa and saw Nick sitting on a stool, drinking wine. He was shirtless and he looked pissed about something.

It was a few minutes past eleven. He had been amazing throughout the day, helping to keep me in a good mood. We really had fun. I wondered what was bothering him all of a sudden.

I decided to join him for a short while. He was always there for me. This was the least I could do for him.

"Nick," I called him, placing my hand on his shoulder. He turned around to face me. He smiled when he saw me.

"Why are you up so late at night? You need to rest," he said, dragging a stool back for me. I sat next to him.

"I can't sleep. Why are you up? Is something wrong?"

"I'm just worried about Monica. She's been with the wrong guy before. She's in a relationship with Layton. You know your brother. He'll just break her heart. Of course she will tell me she's just doing it for pleasure, but I know her. She'll fall for him."

"Have you confronted her yet?"

"No. Not here. I just found out. I don't want to ruin this for you. I also don't know what to say to her. I have to think about it first."

"Don't worry. She'll be okay. Don't stress yourself out," I consoled him, gently massaging his left shoulder. He smiled.

"Can we talk for a bit? Were you on your way somewhere?" he asked me, finishing up the wine in his glass.

"I can spare a few minutes."

"Okay. Let's sit on the couch. It's more comfortable there."

"Of course," I replied, nodding. He carried me off the stool to the couch. I was really glad because walking was becoming painful.

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