Chapter 10: Deep Blue Underworld

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Jayden's POV

I slowly opened my eyes after one comfortable and peaceful night. I was warm and felt relaxed.

I looked at the clock hung on the wall and realised it was just five in the morning and it was still dawn outside.

I realised I was on the bed and it dawned on me that I was sharing the bed with Kyra.

I turned to look at her and realised she was still sleeping on her far end of the bed but now facing me.

She looked peaceful in her sleep and I got a chance to look at her without having to cause her to feel uncomfortable.

She truly was a Sleeping Beauty. Even in her sleep she looked impeccably beautiful and innocence was flowing from every feature of hers.

Calling her Princess was something I was getting used to. It just rolled from my tongue naturally. If only we had met in better circumstances then maybe I wouldn't be feeling all the painful guilt in my heart.

I felt guilty for hurting her yet at the same time I wanted to do everything in my power to keep her away from me. She had the power to complicate my life and flip my entire world upside down.

Her skin appeared so crazy smooth and it was glowing. I felt like touching her without her knowing. I didn't want her to know anything about how she amused me and how I wanted to get to know her better.

Sleeping Beauty must have felt Prince Charming looking at her as she started moving slightly and she slowly opened her ocean eyes.

We just stared at each other,her sleepy eyes blinking gently as she became fully awake. She smiled at me revealing a set of heavenly-white teeth. I liked her smile, genuine and innocent.

"Good morning, Jayden," she murmured softly.

"Good morning, Kyra," I replied in the same manner and she closed her eyes then opened them again.

She kept on smiling and I noticed her attention was now on my hand, specifically on my finger with the ring on.

My hand was on the space between us so she easily put hers on top of mine then gently raised it slightly and started rubbing the ring gently.

What was she up to now? Would she question me regarding our wedding ring? If so then this was gonna be a bad day for her.

"Kylie gave this to you?" she asked softly.

"Yes. My future wife gave this ring to me and I'm attached to it so I'm wearing it," I blurted out coldly but her smile remained on her face.

What was wrong with me? Why was I hurting such an innocent soul?

"It's beautiful. Kylie has always had good taste in everything. It's one of the most beautiful pieces I've ever seen in the world," she complimented.

A soft answer turns away wrath for sure. I suddenly calmed down and took a deep breath as she let go of my hand. I had misunderstood her yet again.

"I'm sorry if I did or said something wrong. I promise I didn't mean to ruin your day."

"You didn't, Kyra. I just misunderstood you. I thought you were going to go all wifey on me but turns out I was wrong. Your intentions were pure and I'm sorry for being cold."

"Is that why you are almost always rude to me?" she asked and I remained still. I didn't want to give her any answers lest she found out my deepest feelings.

"Jayden, I will never go all wifey on you. Yes we are married and I know I mean nothing to you and I accept that. I have no right whatsoever to govern your life and decisions. I know I'm not your taste so I'll never ever dream of an us ever happening."

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