Chapter 8: Solo Beach Picnic

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Kyra's POV

I woke up to a stinging and burning sensation in my eyes. I sat up and rubbed my eyes which reminded me of the not so pleasant incidents of the previous day.

They still hurt from my possibly over exaggerated crying. After thinking about it over the night, I concluded that I had acted immature.

I yawned softly and slipped out of my blankets. The bed was crazy comfortable and I could sleep for the rest of the day but I needed some sunshine.

I stood up and was about to go to the bathroom when I saw him. Jayden Montero. My husband.

He was sleeping on the couch with his blanket on the floor. It must have fallen overnight. It made me feel guilty that he was sleeping on a couch that wasn't that comfortable to sleep on and I had a huge bed all to myself.

I quietly walked over to him. Luckily, he floor was carpeted. I just didn't want to wake him up. I picked up the fluffy blanket and I just found myself holding it up to my nose.

Gracious heavens. Maybe it was me but it smelt like him and even though it had been on the floor it was amazingly warm. I covered him with the blanket making sure not to wake him up. Luckily, he didn't.

I looked at his handsome face. I needed a closer look so I seized the opportunity and crouched down. He was just perfect. Everything about him was impeccable. With his eyes closed he looked peaceful and gorgeous.

His skin looked so smooth that I wanted to touch it. His hair was a mess and I just wanted to run my hands in it. His lips were just perfect and inviting. They were so crazy irresistible that I was struggling to keep my thoughts pure.

Back in high school I had multiple almost first kisses but everything somehow got ruined. I had fake boyfriends throughout highschool because it seemed I couldn't get myself to like any boy and want to be official with him.

At some point I thought I was asexual but my dad encouraged me not to force things but to rather allow nature to take its own route.

I really didn't care much about it back then because most of the time I was out with my parents or hanging out with my friends or Lisa and Layton.

Back then I used to be the white sheep of the family. Now it was all just some painful memory. Five years after my dad's death it was like I totally shut out all the thoughts of dating and finding myself a guy to even hook up with.

My mind was too preoccupied with all my problems and I turned down every guy who wanted to take me out or any parties I got invited to in university.

My marriage happened way too fast and I didn't even get a chance to do the dating stuff and choose a guy I wanted to settle down with. When I saw who my husband would be, I had many dreams and fantasies. It was like all my hormones that I had been suppressing resurfaced and I started feeling things.

All the stuff I read in romantic novels throughout my life suddenly popped up and I wanted him to do all that stuff to and with me. I wanted him to accept me for who I was and learn to love me with all my imperfections but the stars were against me.

He had already found his love. I couldn't exactly say I was madly in love with him but I couldn't deny the affection, attraction and unexplainable stuff I felt towards him.

I just found myself drawing my face towards his. I wanted physical contact. Yesterday he was correct. I had womanly needs I needed to be satisfied but I didn't even know how to express myself.

My hormones were suddenly strong and high after meeting him but I had to keep my dignity as a woman and wait for the right guy. I was about to kiss his cheek when his eyes suddenly shot open.

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