Kyra's POV"I know you can never be mine, but I love our secrets," I murmured against Jayden's lips.
I looked into his eyes and he looked into mine. I saw sincerity in his eyes, as though he wanted to say something but couldn't put it into words.
He didn't have to say anything. I didn't care anymore. He had fulfilled one of the wishes I never realised I had until our lips locked.
They were soft and they fit perfectly onto mine. His touch was tender and just how I wanted a man to handle me. Hard as it was to accept, I had feelings for my husband and they would be the end of me.
"Kyra, you are beautiful," Jayden remarked, looking deep into my eyes.
"You are perfect, Jay," I replied brushing my thumb against his delicious lips, "You are just perfect," I added.
"I'm sorry. I'm sorry, Kyra."
"For what, Jay?"
"You are my wife, but I....."
"I don't care. Remember, on our honeymoon I promised to support you always? I won't break my promise. I'll support you and anything that gives you happiness. Kylie is your girlfriend and I understand that."
"I am your husband and I'll fulfill my duty to you, Princess. I'll support you too. Always. I'll help you find someone who deserves you, and who will make you happy. I don't deserve you but the least I can do is make you happy."
"I am happy. I've never been this happy since my dad passed away. I'm honoured to have a husband like you. No one has ever kissed me like that before," I confessed. He had to know. I didn't want his reply. I just wanted him to know what was buried deep within.
"It's getting late. Let's get going," I said as I let go of his hands and left before he could say anything. I couldn't do it. All I ever thought of was making him mine. Talking always left me crying. I didn't want him to see me cry.
Our ride back home was way too quiet for my comfort. Jay tried to make small talk but I was way too engrossed in my thoughts to listen to him until he eventually gave up.
As the days passed by, I started avoiding him. I couldn't stop thinking of his lips. I wanted him badly. My body yearned for his touch so I decided that staying away from him was the best option.
It was already Tuesday and I still hadn't found a ball gown. I had to make a plan. Jayden had offered to help me find one but I turned him down. I wasn't ready to embarrass myself.
I changed into comfortable clothes after a long day at work around four. Jayden wasn't home yet as usual which was a great advantage to me.
I had nothing to do so I decided to take a nap which was short lived by the arrival of Miss World, Monica.
"Kyra! Wake up, London!" she exclaimed excitedly, jumping up and down on my bed.
"Okay okay. What's up?" I replied sitting up. Monica sat cross legged opposite me and I sat in the same manner.
"Jay mentioned something about you avoiding him."
"He did?"
"Well, he is so crazy worried about you. He came and confided in me and asked for advise on what to do."
"And what advice did you give him?"
"Ummm...That's our secret, but don't worry. You'll see soon. Anyways, let's go to your brother's. He said he is by his apartment and I have to deliver some cupcakes that I made for him."

The Billionaire's Extraordinary Romance
RomanceNo one deserves to be stuck in a complicated love triangle with their arranged husband and his girlfriend, especially not Kyra Casella, a broken young woman longing for nothing but a little bit of love and affection after years of being abused and b...