Chapter 1: Running Away

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Btw the pic above is what you look like and what your wearing...

Y/n pov:

Agh I've been running for what seems to be ages, I need to find a place to rest my sore body since I was beaten yesterday and my body hasn't had much time to heal.


I was cleaning the kitchen for my abusive boyfriend, when all of a sudden he came in and start punching the crap out of me. He would punch or kick everything apart from my face, he said he liked seeing my beautiful face. After the beatings he left me there and walk out of the apartment saying how he needed a drink. So I took this time to run as far away as I can. So I did I ran and ran until I couldnt see that dreadful place again.

Flashback ended

That's how I ended up here right now. I'm walking around the darkside of town, which wasnt what I planned for... I have to get out of here. I held my hand over my stomach feeling the pain come back but much more harder. I feel my head spinning, I collided with something not sure what but after that everything went black as I felt a pair of strong arms catch me and pick me up.

??? Pov:

I was minding my own business when something hit me, I look down to see a girl. She looked like she was in bad condition, I was about to say something when she fainted all of a sudden so I caught her and picked her up.

"Let's go she needs medical attention right now" I said to my lackeys.

"Okay" they said.

We got in the car as we drove back to base. I got out and headed inside, I went straight to my room and put the girl down on my bed. I went into my office and called for a doctor. A few minutes after I called, the doctor came though the doors.

"I'm here" the doctor said.

"She's here I saw that she looked bad so can you please help her?" I asked impatiently.

"Of course I can help just give me a minute" he replied.

"Okay" I said walking off.

I went into my office to sort through job offers. It's been an hour since I left what's taking so long, I put my feet up on the desk and lay back a little. While scrolling through my phone. Suddenly the door flies open making me look up to see the doctor a little freaked out.

"What's wrong?" I ask.

"You were right she does look bad because it looks like she was beaten up badly and not once but a couple of times by someone, but dont worry I treated her injuries but she needs rest" he said.

"Okay thank you doctor" I said.

Now I'm in a bad mood whoever did that to her will pay, no one should be treated like that especially a young lady. I stand up and walk into the room to see bandages covering her whole body as she lays there fast asleep.

"Kuroo you okay" A short guy said while playing on his phone.

"Yeah I'm fine Kenma" I said back.

"No your not your a bad liar you know that" Kenma said rolling his eyes.

"Okay fine I'm pissed who would do this to a girl" I said.

"Yeah I'm angry too that's why I took the liberty of finding out more on this girl and who the did this to her" Kenma said.

Kenma handing me the folder as I took it I opened it and read it. But there is nothing about this girl, it's like she doesn't exist.

"But there is nothing here Kenma" I said.

"Yeah I know so we have to talk to her when she wakes up" Kenma says.

"Yeah good idea" I reply.

I sit back at my desk in the office with Kenma close behind, I sort through the payments for each one of my lackeys.

"Hey Kenma here is your paycheck" I say holding out a envelope.

"Oh thanks" he says.

"Yeah yeah now get outta here" I replied.

"Okay okay" he said walking out.

I sigh looking into the other room watching the girl sleep from a distance.

"Who did this to you?" I mumbled.

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