Chapter 7: The Confession

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Kuroo pov:

Today's the day I ask Y/n to become my girlfriend and join the gang, hoping she says yes that is. I had planned everything out with Kenma and the others.

"Hey Kuroo you okay?" Yaku asked.

"Huh oh yeah I'm fine" I said snapping out of my thoughts.

"Can we get started now?" Kenma asks getting annoyed.

"Yeah let's do this!" Lev and Yamamoto shouted.

Y/n pov:

Kuroo wasn't there when I woke up, he left a note saying that he was going out and won't be back until later. But it wasnt like him to leave without telling me in person, he normally waits until I wake up then tells me he's leaving. But today he didnt so what is he trying to hide from me?


Its 6:30pm and he still hasnt come back yet, I wonder when he's coming back? I was to caught up in my thoughts to see that Yamamoto came in.

"You okay Y/n?" Yamamoto asks with a worried expression.

"Huh.... no I'm not fine Yamamoto Kuroo hasnt come back yet" I said snapping out of my thoughts.

"Oh yeah he has been really busy today" Yamamoto says.

"Yeah I see that" I said rolling my eyes at him.

"Anyways he want me to give you this it's your new phone" Yamamoto said holding out the phone in his hand.

"Oh thank you" I say taking it.

"He going to call you soon" Yamamoto says leaving the room.

"Okay thanks for telling me" I yelled.

"No problem" he yelled back.

Shortly after he left the phone started ringing, I look at it to see that it was Kuroo phoning me. I pick it up and hold it to my ear.

"Hello is that you Kuroo?" I ask.

"Yeah it's me Y/n look I'm sorry for not coming to see you or tell you that I was leaving I've just been really busy today so I wanted to make it up to you with dinner" Kuroo sincerely says.

"Kuroo of course I'll have dinner with you" I said.

"Okay then get dressed in a beautiful dress and meet Lev outside at 7pm okay?" He said.

"Okay" I simply say.

"Okay see you soon" Kuroo said before hanging up.

I put the phone down on the coffee table and head to the walk in closet. I look at the dresses, trying to decide which one to wear. I finally found a dress it was light purple and had sparkles on it, I picked out some black strapped heels to go with the dress.

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