Chapter 6: The Fatal Incounter

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Y/n pov:

When I woke up and Kuroo wasnt at his desk like he normally is. So I got out of bed and went into the walk in closet to get dressed. I walked out wearing a frilly shirt under a long pink striped sweater, a white skirt with a black belt and some black ankle boots.

Shown here:

I went into Kuroo office to sit on the couch and wait for him

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I went into Kuroo office to sit on the couch and wait for him. It's been an hour since I sat down and waited for him. I decided to watch some tv, when I hear the door open and reveal a very tired Kuroo.

"Hey Kuroo long night?" I asked.

"Yeah" he says while yawning.

"Oh was it a really long meeting?" I ask turning the tv off.

"Mhm yes it was alot of arguing between the leaders" he says.

"Oh is it always like that?" I asked with curiosity.

"Not all the time" Kuroo said.

"Oh" I mumbled.

"You want to go shopping?" Kuroo asked.

"Really!?" I said standing up.

"Yeah you have been stuck in this house for a very long time so you probably want to get out and stretch your legs" Kuroo says opening the door.

"Yeah I did" I said jumping up and down.

"Let's go then Kenma and Yamamoto are waiting for us" Kuroo says.

"Oh okay" I mumbled walking out.


We arrived at the mall. I'm looking in the dress shop for a dress that will hide my weapons. The guys stayed close to me for safety reasons. I didnt mind and to be honest I was scared, what if my ex boyfriend finds me here. I keep looking at the dresses trying to decide which one I wanted, when I sensed someone behind me.

"I found you... did you think you could get away from me" a deep voice I knew all to well whispered.

"Ye- yeah" I stutter.

"Come lets go darling~" he says grabbing my wrist.

"No I dont want to please just let go of me" I begged trying to pull away from him.

I heard a click from behind me, I look up to see Kuroo aiming his gun at the guy's head and he does not look happy.

"Let the girl go or I kill you" Kuroo sternly says.

"She isn't your she belongs to me" he says pulling me to his chest.

"Kuroo this is the guy I told you about please be careful" I said with worry.

"Oh so this is the guy but dont worry sweetheart I got this" he says looking at me.

"What are you going to hotshot you cant shoot me otherwise she dies with me" he said all smug like.

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