Chapter 9: Exhaustion

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Y/n pov:

A week after I joined the gang. I have been training and hanging out with Kuroo and I was just about to go do my daily training in the training room.

"Imma go now Babe!" I shouted to him.

He looked up from his work to look at me.

"Okay see ya Chibi-chan" he shouted back.

I walked out and headed down to the training room, I walked in and see Yamamoto training.

"Hey Tora do you mind if I train in here too?" I asked.

"Hey Y/n yeah sure you can" Tora answered.
(Tora is Yamamoto's nickname)

"Okay thanks!" I said.

I decided on close combat training since I'm not very good at it. I stand infront of a huge punching bag, I started off with kicks and then punches. After awhile I got tired and decided to end it there, I grab my drink bottle and phone. I head to the door, but stop and turn around to see Yamamoto is still training.

"Bai Tora!" I yelled.

"Bye Y/n" he yelled back.

When I got back to Kuroo's room, he had his feet up on the desk. While he was lying back on the chair with a cigarette in his mouth.

"Hey Babe" I said.

"Oh hey Baby your back early" Kuroo said.

"Yeah I was tired and decide to end it anyways I'll be back imma go take a shower" I answered.

"Okay" he simply says still smoking.

I took a long cold shower to cool my body down, but I so regretted it because now I was freezing. I look through the selection of hoodies, until I found a black hoodie that had 'CHIC 🍓' written on it. So I put it on and walk into Kuroo's office and sit on the couch.

This hoodie:

"Can I watch tv or is it going to be a distraction?" I asked turning to him

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"Can I watch tv or is it going to be a distraction?" I asked turning to him.

"Nah you can watch tv if you want" Kuroo answered.

"Okay cool" I happily say.

I decided on watching a movie called 'Mortal Engines' (good movie btw). I just started the movie. When I saw Kuroo flop on the couch with his feet over the armrest, and his back facing me but his head was turned so he could look at me. I sighed lifting my arm up and he smiles lying his head on my lap, I played with Kuroo's hair and continued watching the movie. He seemed to relax alot, I felt him intertwined our fingers together and place it on his chest. When the movie ended Kuroo was fast asleep, I smiled and decided to watch another movie. Me and Kuroo spent the rest of the night cuddling and watching movies.

"Hey Kuroo we should get some sleep" I said yawning.

"Yeah your right" he agreed yawning too.

We got into bed and Kuroo pulled me closer to him wrapping his arms around my waist, I wrapped my arms around his neck also pulling him closer and he didnt seem to mind me holding him tightly.

"Goodnight Kuroo" I say getting comfortable.

"Goodnight Y/n" he says back to me.

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