Chapter 11: How much longer?

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WARNING: This chapter is very sad/depressing so if you dont want to read that's fine and sorry for all the short different povs!

Y/n pov:

How long have I been here? Will Kuroo come save me? Probably not because we are on the other side of the city. I havent had any food or water and it's way to dark in here. I'm way too exhausted.

Please Kuroo save me...

Kuroo pov:

It's been two weeks since Y/n has been kidnapped. I can't sleep knowing that she is most likely suffering out there, everyone seems sad and tired they have been trying to locate her. But found nothing yet. I walked into the control room, where everyone is working on trying to get her back.

"Anything yet?" I ask still feeling down.

"Nothing yet Boss" Yaku says sighing.

"Oh okay" I said.

I took a cigarette out and light it up, lately I have been smoking more. I miss Y/n so much that it's hard to do anything without thinking about her.

"Everything alright Boss" Yaku asked looking concern.

"Yeah why?" I said snapping out of my thoughts.

"Oh you were just standing there" Yaku says.

"Oh... anyways tell me when you get something I'll be in my office" I said leaving.

"Okay" they replied.

Yaku pov:

Kuroo hasnt been himself lately. He smoking more, he looks more tired then usual and he looks sad. But he's not the only one suffering we all are, but Y/n is suffering the most. We cant find her but ever since Y/n got kidnapped, Lev has been acting weirder then usual. I wonder what's up with him.

"Hey Lev you okay there?" I said.

"Huh.. oh yeah I'm fine" Lev says.

"Okayyyyy" I say.

Lev pov:

"I ah have to go" I said walking out.

I walked out and head straight for the couch. Everyone looks sad and tired, I hope they dont find out that I was the one, who organizes this whole scheme. I'm scared of what they will do to me if they do.

Yaku pov:

I decided to follow Lev. He was sitting on the couch talking to himself, I was listening and recording from behind the wall. I was shocked to hear that Lev was the one behind it all, I have to tell the Boss. I quickly left before Lev sees me and ran to Kuroo's office. I made it to Kuroos office, I was about to open the door but I stopped. I could hear Kuroo crying from the other side of the door, so I decided to knock.

Knock knock...

Kuroo pov:

I was scrolling through all the photos of me and Y/n, but just looking at these photos made me cry. What if I never get to see her again? What if she's already dead? What if- I heard a knock on the door, I cant let anyone see me cry so I had to calm down first.

"Come in" I said after calming down.

The door open and Yaku came in, but he looked shocked.

"What's wrong? Did you find something?" I asked.

"Yeah I did" he says.

He walks up and places his phone on the desk, I look at the phone then back at Yaku with a confused look.

"Call Yamamoto and Kenma in they need to hear this too" Yaku said.

"Okay" I simply said.

I lean over to the intercom and press my finger down on the button that connects me into control room.

"Kenma and Yamamoto come to my office now" I said.

Ten minutes after they came in and stood next to Yaku.

"What's up" Yamamoto said.

"Let's listen to this recording that Yaku recorded" I said.

"Okay" they said.

I pressed play and listened to the recording. After the recording stops, everyone looked pissed and I was so angry.

"Go get Lev" I ordered.

"Yes Boss" they said leaving.

As I sit there I feel the rage bubbling up inside. I just wanted to make Lev's suffer, I cant believe he would do that to us especially Y/n. The boys came back with Lev infront of them, he looks scared.

"I'm so sorry Boss" Lev says getting on his knees.

"You bought this upon yourself" I said standing up while cracking my knuckles.

I'll save you Y/n I promise...

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