Chapter 3: Meeting the Gang

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Y/n pov:

That's the best sleep, I've had in a long time. I walk out of the walk in closet wearing a black skirt with a white belt, a long yellow shirt with writing on it, long white lace up boots and I styled my hair.

Shown here:

I walk over to Kuroo who looked like he was ready to go somewhere as he grabbed his coat

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I walk over to Kuroo who looked like he was ready to go somewhere as he grabbed his coat.

"Hey Kuroo where are you going?" I ask.

"Out... why?" He said looking at but quickly turns his back towards me.

"Just curious is all" I simply say ignoring what he did.

"Do you want to come with?" He asked turning back around.

"Really... I mean yes" I excitedly say.

Kuroo pov:

That outfit she's wearing is cute and it suits her so well.

"Let's go" I said.

I opened the door for her to pass through, I close the door behind me and walk towards the lounge. Since everyone that should be here for the meeting is in the lounge. Once we arrive I see her hide behind me as everyone stands up and look at her with curiosity.

"Alright men this here is Y/n as you know she will be staying with us so treat her well" I said.

"Yes Boss!" They respond.

"Good" I said.

Y/n pov:

Woah these guys are huge and scary, I hid behind Kuroo as he spoke to them. I see them look at me then back up to Kuroo, I wasnt listening to them tho because I was too scared to worry about them talking.

"Hey are you okay shortcake?" Kuroo ask looking down lifting his arm to see with a concern look.

"Ye- ah yeah" I stutter looking up at him.

"Oh well you dont look it because your shaking" he says still concerned.

"O- oh" I stutter again looking down.

"*sigh* dont worry these guys wont hurt you so there is no need to be scared" he says turning to face me.

"O- okay" I mumble.

I was pulled into what seems to feel like a hug as I wrapped my arms around his waist, he wrapped his around my shoulders. What's this feeling I feel warm and fuzzy on the inside, could it be because I falling for a bad boy or could it be because I feel safe and comfortable around him. I was snapped out of my thoughts, when he pulled back to face his men.

"Okay men let's start" he says.

"Y/n I want you to meet the top four elite people in this gang that will help you out" he said to me.

"This is Yamamoto he is in charge of weapons" he said walking down the line.

"This is Kenma my right hand man as well as our hacker" he continues.

"This is Lev he is new but he is the getaway driver" he says.

"And this is Yaku he is the sharpshooter because he has amazing aim and he helps us out of any tricking situation so you could call him plan B or back up" Kuroo says proudly.

"Hi guys its so nice to meet you" I happily said while smiling.

"Yeah its nice to meet you" they said.


After the meeting we headed back to Kuroo's room.

"Hey Kuroo I wanted to thank you for looking after me plus saving me and I wanted to return the favour, so if there is anything you want me to help you with, then I am more then willing to help like cooking or cleaning or helping you with your work load, so if you need anything just ask" I said with a smile and putting my hands behind my back.

"No problem and thanks for the offer" he said.

Kuroo open the door to his office for me. I walk through stopping and turning to see him shut the door, locking it as he turns to face me.

"You are free to do whatever you want in here" he says walking off to his desk.

"Oh okay" I said.

He sits at his desk and opens his computer to do work. After taking a nice long shower, I wonder my way over to the couch. I sit down grabbing the remote and putting my feet up, while turning on the tv and flicking through the movie selections. After a while I finally found a movie called 'Baby Driver' (really good movie btw it's on netflix) I turn the movie on. Halfway through the movie I felt sleepy, my eyes slowly closing every so often. I try to fight it but fail, slowly letting the sleep over come me.

Kuroo pov:

I look up at Y/n to see her fast asleep on the couch with the movie still playing. I sigh walking over to her, I bend down picking her up bridle style as she nuzzles up against me. I take her to my bed and gently place her down on the bed, I tuck her in. While standing up I look at her seeing a strand of hair covering her face, I softly brush it away. She scrunches her face up, which was so cute I chuckle at it soon after her face relaxes. I go back into the other room and turn off the tv, I sit back at my desk and continuing working on my computer. I sigh thinking this is a really bad.

I'm starting to fall for her...

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