Chapter 13: The Plan

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Sorry that some of the chapters are short I'll try and make them longer tho.

Kuroo pov:

"Okay now that we know where Y/n is we need to a plan so is there any suggestions?" I asked looking around the table.

"Yeah I have an idea" Yaku said.

"Okay go ahead" I say.

"What if we go through the back door and ambush them from behind while another group distracts them by going through the front?" Yaku suggested.

"Yeah that's sounds good to me" I said.

"Okay then let's start planning it" Yaku says.

Y/n pov:

How long has it been since I got kidnapped? I cant take anymore abuse from Daichi. Havent I suffered enough? I sighed while trying to get more comfortable in the chair. I look up when I hear the door open, Daichi walks in looking angry.

"Hey Y/n how are you feeling?" He asks.

"Sore tired annoyed sad... you want me to continue?" I sarcastically ask.

"Nah" he simply says.

"Okay" I say.

"I came in here to tell you something" He says.

He pulls a chair in front of mine and sits down, making me look him in the eyes.

"What is it?" I asked.

"The day after tomorrow your going to see Kuroo again" he answers.

"Really!?" I said getting excited to see him.

"Yeah but that's only if he agrees to my deal" Daichi explains.

"What deal?" I asked getting angry.

"You'll see" he says.

He left once again, leaving me alone in the dark cold room.

Hurry Kuroo...

Kuroo pov:

"So this is the plan Yaku me and Yamamoto will go through the back door and everyone else will go through the front door to distract everyone" I explained looking at everyone.

"Okay sounds good to me" Yaku says standing up.

"Then let's go" I say.

Lets get Y/n back...

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