Chapter 4: Gamer Boy

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Kuroo pov:

"Kenma I need you to stay here and look after Y/n for me" I declared.

"Yeah sure whatever" he mumbled.

"Thanks Kenma" I said.

"I'll be back at 9pm okay" I said walking out.

I hope she will be okay, I have to go run some really important errands today. I walk outside to see that the men are standing there ready and waiting.

"Let's go men" I yell.

"Yes Boss" they respond.

"Yamamoto stay here and hold down the fort" I said passing him.

"Yes Boss" he replied while heading back inside.

Y/n pov:

Wait where am I? I sit up frantically looking around, but I my eyes landed on a guy sitting on the couch playing on his Nintendo. Oh good aleast I'm still in Kuroo's room, I sighed looking at the guy on the couch.

"Hey its Kenma right? Where is Kuroo?" I ask.

"Yeah I'm Kenma and Kuroo had some important errands to run so he asked me and Yamamoto to stay behind and look after you but he will be back tonight" he says not once looking at me.

"Oh okay" I mumbled.

I head to the walk in closet to get changed. I come out wearing a black hoodie that came down past my shorts, but didnt reach my knees it also had 'Chic🍓' written on the front.

Shown here:

I saw Kenma still playing on his Nintendo

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I saw Kenma still playing on his Nintendo. I sigh walking over to the coffee machine to make myself a hot chocolate, thinking to myself that I'll need it to survive the day with gamer boy over there. I sit down next to Kenma and watch him play his game. Agh I'm so bored..... maybe I should get to know him some more.

"Hey Kenma how did you and Kuroo meet?" I ask.

"We been friends since the first day of school" he mumbled.

"Oh cool" I said.

"Yeah I guess" Kenma mumbles.

"Ooo what's your favourite food?" I ask with enthusiasm.

"Apple pie" he replies.

"Ooo nice I love chocolate chip cookies" I say.

"Cookies are nice too I guess" he said.

"Oh what's your favourite color?" I ask again.

"Red" he simply said.

"Red is a cool colour my favourite colour's black" I said.

"Yeah I guess.. I dont think black is a colour tho Y/n" he says.

"Well no but I like to think it is one" I said crossing my arms while looking the other way and pouting.

"Hey dont be mad look I'm sorry Y/n let me make it up to you" he said putting his nintendo down on the coffee table.

I smirked slowly turning around.

"Anything" I say putting my pouty face on.

"Yes" he says as he sighs while rolling his eyes at me.

"Okay let's watch a movie" I said clapping my hands together.

"Okay fi-" Kenma was saying.

"Yo what's up you guys I got bored guarding the door so I wanted to know if I could hang out with you guys?" Yamamoto says.

"Of course you can we are about to watch a movie come join us" I said opening my arms.

He gladly accepted as he jumped into my arms, while I lean against Kenma with Yamamoto on top of me.

"What should we watch?" Kenma says.

"Hmmm..." me and Yamamoto say.

"Let's watch Troy" (it's on Netflix btw) Yamamoto suggested.

"Yeah okay" I said.

"I guess" Kenma mumbled while grabbing his nintendo.

Me and Yamamoto watched it, while Kenma played and watched the security cameras. The movie must have been really boring or Yamamoto must be really tired because he fell asleep. But he isn't the only one, I also started to feel sleepy. Then after awhile I fell asleep due to how boring the movie was.

Kenma pov:

Y/n and Yamamoto both fell asleep, but I dont blame them the movie sounds boring. I pause my game so I can grab the remote and turn the movie off.


It's been four hours since they fell asleep and they havent woken up yet. Which is quite surprising, but I dont mind aleast they're quiet. I continue playing my game when I hear a door open and close.

"Hey your back early" I said.

"Ye-" he was saying.

"Shhhhhh they're sleeping" I said.

"Huh" he said looking at the two who are fast asleep before making a 'oh' face.

"How long have they been like that?" He asked.

"About four hours" I simply say.

"Wow really that's amazing" Kuroo said shocked at the comment.

"Yup but how come your back so early? you said 9pm but its 7pm" I ask.

"Oh yeah my errands didnt take as long as I expected" he said rubbing the back of his neck.

"Oh well Y/n missed you today" I said.

"Oh really I didnt know" Kuroo said looking surprised.

"She really likes you your the one person she trusts and she really likes your company" I say while looking at Y/n then back at Kuroo.

"Oh thanks" he said.

"Anyways I should go... get up Yamamoto" Kenma said smacking Yamamoto in the back of his head.


Y/n pov:

I woke up to the sounds of Yamamoto yelling at Kenma who was playing a game on his nintendo.

"What's the matter you guys? Why do you have to be so loud Yamamoto" I ask rubbing my eyes while yawning.

"Sorry Y/n but me and Yamamoto have to do our daily rounds" Kenma says.

"Yeah so-" Yamamoto was saying.

"Kuroo your back I missed you" I yell out of excitement seeing him standing there.

He chuckled while I ran up to him and wrap my thin arms around his neck, while he bent down to wrap his arms around my waist.

"I missed you too" he whispered in my ear and tightening his grip around my waist.

"This is our cue to leave... bye guys" Kenma said dragging Yamamoto behind him as he shut the door.

Me and Kuroo hugged each other a little while after they left. Then we talked about my day since Kuroo didnt have alot much to say.

I think I'm falling for him
is that good or bad..?

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