Chapter 10: Taken

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Y/n pov:

It was a nice day today, I was sitting on Kuroo's lap helping him with his work load. When Yaku came in looking worried.

"Hey Yaku what's wrong?" I asked.

"Boss the Black Crows are here" Yaku said.

"Shit let's go Y/n" Kuroo says.

I get off his lap as he stands up grabbing his gun, a pack cigarettes and his lighter, he walks out with me beside him and Yaku leading the way. We head into a room with a chair in the middle, everyone was standing in the room looking serious. Kuroo sat down with the cigarette in his mouth and the gun in his hand, I stood there awkwardly not knowing what to do.

"Hey Chibi-chan come sit" Kuroo said holding his arms out.

I walk over to him as he puts me in his lap.

"Let them in" Kuroo says.

The two men at the door nodded before opening the big double doors, Daichi walk in with the rest of his gang following close behind.

"What do you want Daichi?" Kuroo asked sounding all scary like.

"I just wanted to see you again is all" Daichi answered.

"Really now?" Kuroo says blowing smoke into the air.

"Yeah I see you still have the girl by your side" Daichi says looking at me.

"Yeah and?" Kuroo said sounding annoyed.

"Nothing" Daichi simply says.

"Hurry up I have things to do what do you want Daichi?" Kuroo says.

"I want to work with you as your equal in the drug business" Daichi explained.

"No" Kuroo simply says.

"Why not?" Daichi said sounding angry.

"Because I dont need you and besides Bokuto is my partner in the drug trade" Kuroo says.

"But Bokuto isn't good at doing business so why choose him over me?" Daichi asks.

"Because I've known him longer then anyone so I trust him more then anyone" Kuroo replied.

"So who cares all you should care about is money the more money you have the more things you can do and I can help you with that" Daichi explains.

"I take family over money and all you care about is money so leave" Kuroo said.

"Fine then" Daichi says leaving.

After they left everyone left the room, which meant it was me and Kuroo. Kuroo doesn't seem to be in the mood to talk right now.

"Hey Kuroo you okay?" I asked with caution.

"Yeah I'm fine" Kuroo says.

"Oh okay" I said.

"Let's go back to the room" Kuroo says.

"Okay" I said.


Later that night Kuroo had to leave for a late night job, so I was left alone with Lev. Me and him were in the lounge downstairs watching movies.

(2 story house that they live in so the bedrooms are upstairs and the kitchen and lounge etc. Are down stairs)

"Hey Y/n I'll be back okay?" Lev says.

"Mhm okay" I said with my eyes glued to the tv.

Lev pov:

I went into the room next door and took my phone out to call Daichi. I put the phone to my ear, when Daichi picked up.

"Are you alone?" Daichi asked.

"Yeah we are the back doors open" I answered.

"Well done Lev" Dachi says.

"I gotta go see you soon" I said putting the phone down.

I head back into the room and see Y/n still watching the movie. I plonk down next to her, while putting my feet up and watch the movie.

Y/n pov:

Lev came back and sat down next to me, but he seemed... off what happen? He keeps fidgeting with his phone.

"Hey are you okay Lev?" I ask.

"Huh.. oh yeah I'm fine" Lev says looking flustered.


I saw the door fly open as Daichi and his men came in, Daichi hit Lev over the head with his gun and grab me.

"Put me down!" I shouted while thrashing around.

"No your coming with us" Daichi says while hand cuffing my hands together.

He throws me over his shoulder and heads towards the exit, I kept trying to move out of his hold but fail to do so.

Kuroo pov:

What the hell no ones here. There was word that there were people here trying to steal my drugs... But its empty.

"What's going on?" I asked looking at Kenma.

"I dunno" Kenma blandly says.

"Hey I think we were deceived" Yaku says.

"What?!" I said.

"I think Y/n and Lev are in trouble" Yaku said.

"Okay everyone let's go back" I shouted.

We packed up and headed home as fast as we could, I hope Y/n is alright. We arrived home, I got out and ran in the house to see everything messed up. Lev lying on the ground and Y/n wasnt anywhere to be seen. I crouched down infront of Lev as he wakes up.

"What happen Lev?" I asked.

"I dunno I was hit over the head before I could see them" Lev says.

"Someone took Y/n" I said.

"Oh no I'm sorry boss" Lev says.

"Its alright we got tricked too the place was empty no one was there" I said.

Everyone came into the room, they all looked surprised and worried.

"Kenma can you track Y/n down?" I asked.

"Yeah I'm on it" Kenma answers.

"Yamamoto can you go thought the whole house and fix anything that's broken and look for any clues while your at it" I ordered.

"Yes I can" he says leaving.

"Yaku come with me were are going to the back door because they probably would of gone through there so lets see if we can get any clues or tracks" I said.

"Okay" Yaku says.

Y/n pov:

It's so dark and my head hurts, where am I? I look around to see an empty room, I try to move my hands only for them to be stuck behind me. I was tied in a chair, before I could do anything else the door opened revealing Daichi.

"I see your awake" Daichi says closing the door.

"What do you want Daichi?" I asked my voice laced with poison.

"I want to use you to get into the drug trade" He says.

"Well to bad" I said.

"What do you mean?" He asks.

"He will find and save me so you will die when he finds out your the one that kidnapped me" I say with confidence.

"No he wont because we arent even close to where they are" He said looking me in the eyes.

"So where are we?" I asked.

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