Chapter 16: Proposal Plans

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Kuroo pov:

It's been two weeks since the kidnapping and Y/n is back to her old routine and she looks alot healthier now. We also decided to keep Lev imprisoned for now. While me and Yaku are working on the proposal.

"Okay so we have the restaurant to ourselves on that night so I'll take her there and I'll propose after we eat when were out on the balcony" I said.

"Yeah luckily Bokuto owns the restaurant otherwise this would of been a disaster" Yaku says.

"Yeah what's next?" I ask.

"Well all we need now is the ring" Yaku answers.

"Okay let's go get it now" I said standing up.

"Okay you want me to stay or come?" He asked.

"Come with me I tell Kenma and Yamamoto to stay on watch" I said.

We walked into the lounge where everyone was chilling.

"Hey Kenma and Yamamoto keep an eye on Y/n while I'm gone and tell her I'll be back soon" I ordered.

"Yes Boss" they said.

Me and Yaku headed out and drove around the city looking for a ring shop, after some searching we found one. We climbed out the car and entered the shop, I walked up to the counter where a lady stood.

"Hi there is there something I can do or help you with today?" The lady asked.

"Hi yeah were looking for engagement rings" I said.

"Oh okay here is our selection" the lady says getting out some rings.

Me and Yaku looked through the rings but none of them interested me, I shook my head and look at the lady.

"Are there any other rings none of these interest me" I say.

"Yes of course" she said.

She puts the rings away and grabs out another set of rings. Me and Yaku looked at the new selection of rings infront of us, I saw one that was simple. It had a medium sized white diamond with a gold loop where you put your finger through.

"This one" I said pointing to it.

"Good choice sir" she said begging the ring up.

"That will be $1,000 please" the lady said.

"Thank you" I said after paying for the ring.

"Good luck" she shouted.

"Thanks" I shouted back.

"Let's go home" I said.

"Yeah" Yaku says.


Y/n pov:

Me, Yamamoto and Kenma were hanging out in Kuroo's room, we were watching The Lion King because Yamamoto insisted we watch it. Although Kenma didnt watch the movie since, he was playing on his nintendo. During the movie I heard the door open, I look over and saw Kuroo and Yaku walk in.

"Hey guys" I said pausing the movie.

"Hey Y/n" they said.

"You guys can go now" Kuroo said.

"Okay Boss" they said before leaving.

I turned the tv off and faced Kuroo.

"Is something wrong?" I ask.

"No nothing's wrong" he answers.

"Oh okay" I mutter.

"There is something I want to ask you tho" Kuroo says.

"Okay what is it?" I said.

"Did you want to go out for dinner tomorrow night?" He asked.

"Of course" I say getting excited.

"Okay I have a few errands to run tomorrow so I'll pick you up at seven" he says.

"Okay" I replied.

"I will go have a shower then we can have some cuddle time" he said walking off.

"Okay" I simply say.

Since I was in my pjs, I decided to sit in bed and wait for him to finish. Ten minutes later he comes out wearing a black tank top and grey sweatpants. He climbs into bed and shifts closer to me.

"Goodnight Kuroo" I say moving closer to him.

"Goodnight Princess" he says tightening his grip around me.

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