Chapter 14: Save Y/n

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Kuroo pov:

We arrived at the house where Y/n is being held, were behind the house hiding in the bushes waiting for our chance to break in.

"Let's go already~" Yamamoto whined.

"No not yet" Yaku said.

We waited another ten minutes before going in, Yamamoto kicked the door down for us.

"Which way?" Yaku asks.

"Um I dunno" I say.

"Well this is going great" Yamamoto says rolling his eyes.

While we were arguing, we heard a scream coming from down stairs.

"Let's go" I said running off.

Y/n pov:

Daichi used a knife to make cuts on my left leg, making me scream in agony while he laughs.

"Y/n is that you where are you?!" A familiar voice shouts out.

"KUROO OV-" I yelled but a hand covered my mouth before I could finished.

"Shhhh" Daichi says.

He stuffed a piece of cloth in my mouth and then tapes my mouth shut, he walks over to the door. He hides behind the door, when I heard footsteps coming I look up at the door.

"Y/n there you are" Kuroo says walking into the room.

"Mmmmh mmmmmh mmmmhmmmm" I mumbled trying to warning him.

"What?" He asks.

"Mhmhmhmh mhmhmhmhm" I mumbled while trying to get my hands free.

"Wh-" he was trying to say something.

Daichi came up behind him and hit him.

"Ow" Kuroo says turning around.

"Hello Kuroo" Daichi said walking out of the shadows.

"I cant believe you took Y/n" Kuroo said.

"Well you knew this was going to happen at some point" Daichi says.

"Yeah but I didnt think you'd go this far to get what you want" Kuroo says.

"Well I want to be apart of the trade Kuroo" Daichi said pointing his gun at me.

"Okay okay cant we talk this out like real gentleman" Kuroo said standing infront of Daichi protecting me.

"Fine" Daichi said while putting his gun away.

"Okay" Kuroo says sighing.

"Let's talk in the other room" Daichi said.

"Sure" Kuroo says looking at me before leaving.

As they left I couldnt help but feel a sense of hope, I cant wait to get outta here.

Kuroo pov:

"Okay what do you want? " I asked.

"I want to be in the drug trade but... if you refuse I'll have no choice but to kill Y/n" Daichi said.

"You wouldnt dare" I said getting really mad.

"Oh but I would" Daichi says.

"Well sorry to tell you this but you wont be joining the drug trade" I said.

"Fine then I'll kill her" he said walking towards the door.

"Hold it" I say standing infront of him with a gun pointed to his head.

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