Pregnant Wanda

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I run down the stairs looking for my fiancée , who has suddenly decided to disappear. I run into the lab. "Tony have you seen Wanda?" I ask.

"Nope," He answers, not even looking at me. I groan before running to the kitchen, seeing her sitting on the counter with a tub of ice cream.

"Esta mujer me vuelve loco," I groan as I walk up to her. (This woman drives me crazy) I stand in front of her with my hands resting on the counter, on both sides of her. "Have you eaten breakfast?"

She smiles at me guiltily. "You look very pretty today," I shake my head as a laugh escapes my lips.

"Mi amor, ice cream is not a good breakfast," I chuckle, pushing some hair behind her ear as she happily puts more ice cream in her mouth. "Plus, it's not good for the baby," I place a hand on her fairly big stomach.

"It's this baby's fault that I want ice cream for breakfast," She says, her mouth slightly full. I look around the tower it being oddly quiet. "Where is everyone?" Wanda asks, noticing the emptiness as well.

"I was just gonna ask you that?" I help her off the counter, then we go try to find the others. "Tony's in the lab," I state as we walk into an empty lab. "Was,"

"I didn't even notice everyone disappear," Wanda comments, wrapping her arms around my waist. I wrap my arms around her, kissing the top of her head. Her cinnamon scented shampoo wafting into my nose. We pull apart I kiss her cheek. "I love you," she smiles. I squint my eyes at her.

"You know something,"

"What?" She asks, pretending to be baffled.

"Wanda Marya Maximoff, what aren't you telling me?" I ask with a stern voice but can't help but smile.

"It's a surprise. I'm not even supposed to know but if puns out by accident,"

"By accident?" I ask, eyebrows raised.

"Okay by snooping," I shake my head as she grabs my hand and begins dragging me towards the party room. As we get to the door, Steve and Nat both walk out. Steve covers Wanda's eyes and Nat covers mine.

"If I fall someone's getting hit," Wanda warns. They finally take their hands off our eyes and we see the room. It's decorated with a bunch of pink and blue balloons.

"It's a gender reveal party," Pietro explains. I hear a sniffle and turn to see Wanda about to cry.

"Aw babe," I chuckle as I hug her.

"It's the hormones I swear," she sniffles.

"Whatever you say sis," Pietro chuckles. I watch as Sam walks out with a two big balloons.

"Can we pop it now?" Sam asks.

"Shouldn't Wanda and I be asking that?" I laugh as I grab the balloons. Tony hands Wanda and I pins to pop the balloon. "Ready?"


"1, 2, 3!" We pop the balloons. Pink confetti coming out of both.

"We're having two girls!" Wanda squeals. She throws her arms around my neck.

"I know!" I cheer happily. She pulls away from the hug, her lips catching mine. Out of instinct I sink into the kiss. We both pull away smiling happily. Tony hands us two champagne glasses.

"Champagne for mommy one and sparkling soda for mommy two," He places a kiss on both of our heads. "I'm so happy for you guys,"

"Sorry for the late party," Steve apologizes.

"Hey nine months in is better than after they're born," Wanda laughs. I hear a splash of water and feel my feet become slightly damp. I look down and see water on the floor. I look back up at Wanda who has frozen with her glass to her lips.

"Wanda?" I ask cautiously.

"Mm?" She hums, downing the rest of her soda.

"Did- did your water break?" She sighs as she hands her glass to Tony.

"Yup," we all stare at her like she's crazy.

"Wanda!" I exclaim. "Your water just broke!"

"I know. My shoes are wet," she laughs.

"Why are you so calm? Pietro! Grab the go bag," I instruct as I lead Wanda to the elevator.

"If I get stressed," she pauses and groans from a contraction most likely. "My blood pressure will rise and that'll be dangerous for the baby," The elevator opens and we quickly exit and head to the car. Wanda and I get in the back, Steve and Pietro hop in the very back and Tony and Nat hop in the front. While the others take another car.

I hold Wanda's hand trying not to whimper as she squeezes it really hard. "Alright mi amor, remember your breathing exercises, okay?"

She nods. "Hoo hoo hee, hoo hoo hee, hoo hoo hee, hoo hoo hee,"

"Buddy you're a boy, make a big noise, playing in the streets, gonna be a big man some day—"

"Really Tony!?" I scold.

"I saw an opportunity, I took it," Tony laughs as we pull into the private hospital. Pietro speeds inside and get a wheelchair. I sit Wanda down and we wheel her into the hospital. The doctors get her into a room and the OB comes to check her out. I watch as he face contorts into one of worry.

"What is it? What's wrong?" I ask.

"Nothings wrong. The babies heads are facing the wrong way so we're gonna have to perform a C-section,"

Wanda goes in for surgery and the rest of us wait outside worrying. after a couple hours the OB comes back. "The c-section was successful. You can come see miss Maximoff now,"

We all quickly follow her. As soon as we get to the room, I run past the OB and quickly rush to Wanda's side. She looks tired but seems okay. "How are babe?"

"Tired but I wanna see the girls," She smiles. I press a kiss to her forehead and then her lips. "I love you," She whispers.

"I love you too," We both look up at the sound of someone clearing their throat. My eyes blur oh so lightly as I see two little babies wrapped in pink blankets. The nurses hand each of us a baby. I look down at the baby in my arms. She has my y/e/c eyes and Wanda's nose. I look over at the other baby and see she looks different. She has Wanda's greyish green eyes and my nose.

"They're beautiful," Wanda whispers.

"They're gorgeous," I look at Wanda. "Can the others come in?" She nods.

I look over at the window and nod my hair. They all happily walk in. Nat peaking over my shoulder and Pietro sitting on the bed beside Wanda. Tony, Steve, Clint, Sam, Bucky, Thor, and Bruce all keep their distance but smile.

"Guys please meet," Wanda begins, looking at me. "Zemira,"

"And Talullah," I smile down at the baby before leaning over so Wanda can see her better. "Our babies are beautiful," I whisper.

She pecks my lips happily. "They're perfect,"

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