Sick Day ~ Loki

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This chapter is me fulfilling @TerezkaKlecanova4 request. I hope you enjoy!


I sit up in bed, my whole room spinning aggressively. "Jesus," I groan, my voice hoarse. I carefully step out of bed, the spinning continuing. I walk out of my room, the cold air nipping at my bare arms as I make my way downstairs. "Morning,"

"Morning? Y/n it's three o'clock," Nat says worried as she presses a hand to my forehead.


"No dumb dumb. It's three o'clock in the afternoon. And I'm pretty sure you have a fever Y/n/n,"

"Nah I'm fine," I cough slightly before swatting her hand away gently. I go to take a step but the whole room spins again, this time it feels like I'm falling. I look up confused as Loki looks down at me with a worried gaze. He's holding me up in a way that suggests he caught me. Huh, so I was falling.

"Darling you're sick," He informs as his arm goes under my legs, lifting me up bridal style. "You need rest,"

"Don't we have a mission today?" I ask as I try to look around but grow dizzy so I rest my head on Loki's shoulder instead.

"No we have a mission. You're staying home. Reindeer games make her some soup or something," Tony instructs as him and the others leave.

"No," I cough out but everyone disregards it. I roll my eyes before sighing. Loki carries me up my room, his arms holding me securely. He kicks open my door gently before placing me on my bed and covering me up.

"I'm going to get you some tea and toast maybe, are you feel nauseous darling?" He asks, crouching down beside my bed, a soft look in his eyes. I nod lightly as I rest my hand under my head, laying on my side with my knees to my chest. "Alright. Tea and toast it is," He places a gentle kiss to my forehead before exiting the room.

I sit in silence as I wait for him. That is until that familiar feeling hits me. I'm gonna puke. I quickly get up and run into my bathroom, lifting the toilet seat just in time to hurl into it. My stomach tenses as I empty out it's contents. I finally stop, taking a deep breath before crying out. "Loki!"

My hands grip the toilet seat once more as I hurl again, my stomach becoming sore from tensing and relaxing. I begin to cry as a hand begins rubbing my back, another holding back my hair. "Let it out darling. You're okay, I'm here,"

After throwing up for a third time, I spit into the toilet before flushing. Loki hands me a glass of water which I just swish in my mouth before spitting it into the toilet. I wipe my mouth with a piece of toilet paper before discarding that as well, flushing once again. Loki helps me to my feet, picking me up once more and carries me to my bed. He lays me down and wipes the tears off my face. "Why are you crying darling?" He asks softly, brushing some hair out of my face and tucking it behind my ear.

"I really hate throwing up," I mutter quietly as I lean back into my soft pillows which Loki has stacked so I can sit up a little bit more. He brings me the tray of food but leaves the plate of toast on my dresser and only gives me the tea. "Thank you,"

"You're welcome," He then walks over to my tv, opening the drawer under it and searching for a movie. I sip my tea while watching him decide which movie to pick.

"Lion king," I whisper to myself, hoping he picks it. I hear him chuckle before pulling out a CD and placing into the DVD player. Yes I have one of those, sue me. He presses play before coming and laying beside me. "I can't finish the tea," I whisper feeling bad.

"No need to look so guilty darling, it's just tea. He places the tray on the floor on his side of the bed. He ten carefully lifts me so I'm sitting on his lap, my head resting on his shoulder as his hands run up and down my arms lightly. We watch the common intro to a Disney movie and curiosity gets the best of me.

"What movie did you pick?" I ask and I clap my hands, the lights turning off.

"Lion king,"

I gasp lightly before coughing a little. "I wanted that one," I whispers hoarsely, my hands balling up into excited fists.

"Really? I didn't even know," He says with feign surprise but I don't say anything, only letting out a sickly giggle.

I get comfortable as I watch the movie, feeling soothes from the sounds of Loki's steady breathing and heart beating against my back. I mumble the lyrics to the different songs under my breath as the movie goes on, singing some parts louder than others from sheer excitement and enjoyment.

"This is my favorite part!" I squeal before coughing a bit. I watch as Simba lets out a roar, the lionesses following along. My hands ball up into fists as I shake them excitedly while giggling.

"You really like this movie don't you?" Loki asks with a small laugh, pressing a kiss to my head.

"Mmhm. Oh and I love How To Train You Dragon!" I say as I look back at him, his eyes staring back at my own with pure admiration. "What?"

"Nothing," He chuckles before focusing back on the last bit of the movie, myself doing the same. As the credits roll, Loki gently lifts me off his lap before going over to the tv. He pulls out the CD and replaces it with another. He lays back down, placing me back in my spot on his lap, my head resting against his shoulder.

I watch the intro excitedly, trying to figure out the movie. I gasp as I register what it is. "You put on HTTYD!?" I cough from speaking to loudly.

He nods with a smile. "1 and 2," He smirks happily. I grin back at him before turning more and wrapping my arms around his shoulders, hugging him tightly.

"Thank you," I whisper before turning around and watching the movie, humming the theme song quietly.

Loki POV
I feel Y/n grow heavy against me and I can't help but smile as she sleeps peacefully, her hand holding onto my own. I kiss her head he belt before leaning my head back, watching the movie, staying awake in case she needs me. For some reason I kind of want her to wake up and need me. It feels good to be needed, especially by someone and special and beautiful as her.

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