Maybe I like Him ~ Loki

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Authors Note: This chapter was inspired my my godsister.


I finish up the last bit of my makeup, smiling at my reflection. I walk downstairs, dressed to perfection for my date which is in about a half an hour. It's been a long time since I've gone out on a date. "Lookin' good girl," Nat compliments as she walks by. 

"Thanks Nat," I walk into the kitchen and begin making myself a cup of coffee. I open the cutlery drawer to find a spoon but stop as I hear someone behind me. "What do you want Loki?" I mutter.

"Just a cup of tea," He says simply. I can almost hear his smirk. "I love how you can feel my presence,"

"Well, I'm in the kitchen right now," I grumble as I grab a spoon. 

"Now, Kitten, we both know the kitchen is big enough for both of us, don't you think?" I swiftly spin around, throwing the closest object to me, which happened to be a butter knife beside the sink, at him. He catches it with ease.

"Don't call me Kitten," I sneer before turning back to my coffee. I finish stirring the sugar before heading over to the fridge for cream. Well that is until Loki stands in my way. I roll my eyes before walking past him and opening up the fridge. "I swear we had cream," I mutter under my breath as I look throughout the fridge.

"Looking for this?" I groan. Of course he has the cream. I stand up, slamming the fridge door before turning around. Loki smirking in all his mischievous glory. 

"Give me the damn cream Loki," 

"What's the magic word?" He asks, waving the cream in front of me, quickly moving it away as I try to grab it.

"Please give me the cream," I grumble with my hands on my hips.


"What the fuck do you mean wrong?" I ask annoyed at this point. "You know what forget it," I turn around and grab the oat milk from the fridge. (If you're allergic to oats it can be whatever kind of milk you like in your coffee) I walk back over to my coffee and finish making in. 

"Now Kitten. Why are you dressed up? I don't remember us having a date tonight," He smiles as he sips his tea. 

"One. I have a date. Two. I'd never go out with you asshole," I take another sip of my coffee, checking the time every few seconds. 

"Never is a very strong word Pet," I roll my eyes at the nickname. 

"Well, I gotta use strong words, you're hard headed remember?" I ask with a small smirk. His smile never leaves his face as his eyes look up and down my figure. "So you'd never go on a date with me?" 

"Why do you suddenly want to know?" I ask.

"Just curious is all Pet. No need to be skeptical," He smiles. 

"You've never asked me out first off and second no. I'm not attracted to you," I say simply before turning around to wash my mug since I'm done my coffee. Everything is fine until a muscular chest is pressed up against my back. Large hands resting at my exposed waist. My heart increases in speed, feeling like it's jump out of its place and lodged in my throat. 

"Not attracted to me you say," He whispers beside my ear. My face heats up, my thighs squeezing together. "So, you never think about my hand wrapping around your throat as I pin you to the wall, stealing your breath away with a single kiss? Or being tied to my bed as I have my way with you?"

I swallow hard, my body involuntarily leaning into his. His teeth graze my ear, a gasp leaving my mouth. "You've never imagined what it would be like for me to kiss every inch of your body, marking you as mine?" He asks in a sultry whisper. He places a kiss behind my ear. His hands taking the mug out of my hands and placing it in the sink. My body frozen in a trance, completely hypnotized by him. His hands grasp my waist, turning me towards him. My body pressed flush against his. My hand rest on his chest but I can't bring myself to look at him. His hand tilts my chin up. He lowers his head, his lips hovering in front of mine. I lean forward only for him to smile and move away from me. 

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