Angry Confessions ~ Marc Spector

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*smut warning*
A heavy silence looms over us as the door shuts. I can feel Marc's anger boiling and as soon as I drop my bag down, I know it's about to boil over. The silence continues as I walk over to the fridge and grab a bottle of water, the only sound in the room being the crackling of plastic. I wipe my mouth with the back of my hand before speaking. "So are you gonna say something or sh—"

"What were you thinking?" He doesn't even let me finish my sentence. "You could've been hurt or you could died, Y/n,"

"Marc it's not that big of a deal. I'm okay," I say softly, trying to de-escalate the situation.

"You were surrounded and if I hadn't have come over to you, you would've died," His voice raises ever so slightly, causing me to clench my water bottle anxiously.

"But I didn't so drop it,"

"Drop it? You want me to drop it!?"

"Yes! Drop it! I was surrounded, you saved me, done!" Our voices have reached the point of yelling as we trade exclaims.

"How about you drop doing things without backup! Huh, how bout you drop that!"

"God Marc you are being such a baby! I'm fucking fine!"

"That's not the fucking point, Y/n! The point is that you could've been hurt because you're so goddamn reckless!"

"Oh I'm sorry dad, what are you gonna ground me now!?"

"God you're so immature!" I watch as that one vein in his forehead begins popping out ever so slightly, indicating he's truly pissed. "What is not clicking your brain!? What is not making sense, please tell me!"

"Why can't you just drop it!" My water bottle is now crinkled with a small amount of water inside, my fisted clenched together as my chest heaves. "I don't understand why you can't just let me live! You fight and sometimes things don't go to plan, so I help you but when you help me, I've done something horribly wrong!"

I drop my water bottle in the trash as I begin walking towards him as I speak, now completely infuriated. "Explain what is so incredibly wrong with me fighting on my fucking own!"

He huffs, running his hands through his hair, as he shakes his head. "Y/N stop," His voice is low and intimidating but I couldn't care less at this moment.

"I'll stop if you answer the question," I say simply as I now stand in front of him. "Why is it such a big fucking deal if I take risks. Why is it so bad if the chance of me getting hurt even enters the equation be—" I'm cut off by Marc crashing his lips into mine. I'm taken by surprise before I kiss back, putting all my frustration into this single kiss.

His hands grasp my hips tightly as he deepens the kiss, pressing his body flush against mine. My hands tangle in his hair as I pull at it gently. He turns us around a bit before laying me down onto the bed. He stands up and takes off his shirt, his chest heaving heavily as he leans back down to kiss me.

I tap his shoulder and he lifts himself back up. I quickly take off my shirt, lifting my sports bra off as well. I pull him back down onto me, crashing my lips into his with a messy kiss. Our chests heave heavily as his hands run up and down the sides of my torso. I gasp as his hands gently massages my breast, a moan sliding out of my mouth as he begins kissing down my neck.
He kisses further and further down until he gets to the waistline of my track pants. He pulls my pants and panties down in one go, tossing them somewhere in the room.

My eyes roll my back and my mouth hangs open as his tongue presses again my clit before slowing sliding into me. Gasp and moan, incoherent words spill from my lips as he holds my legs down, continuing to mercilessly eat me out. My hands grip his hair firmly as my body shakes with my release. My chest heaves as I blink away the stars, the sound of clothes hitting the floor can be heard in the back ground. My vision clears as Marc climbs on top of me, his arms on both sides of my head.

I take a sharp breath through clenched teeth as I feel the head of his cock pressed against my entrance. He rests his forehead on mine before whispering. "Are you okay with this?"

"Yes," It comes out breathlessly but excitedly all the same. He lifts my leg, wrapping it around his waist before pressing his lips to mine. I moan into the kiss and he slowly fills me up, keeping to a controlled pace as to not hurt me. When the slight pain subsides and only ecstasy remains, I press getting on his waist with my leg, coaxing him to speed up.

He obliges, speeding up his strokes but increasing the pressure. After being sensitive from the earth shaking head is received, I can already feel my orgasm coming. "I'm gonna-"

"Do not come, until I say so," My heart flutters excitedly at his dominant tone. I do my best, focusing on anything but my release. I whine as I draw nearer, my orgasm begging to be freed. "Not yet,"

"Marc," I whine, my back arching in borderline insanity. He simply chuckles before ramming into harder. "Fuck, Marc please," He kisses my lips before whispering in my ear.

"Come," I my eyes roll back as a series of incoherent curse words roll off my lips, my orgasm rattling through me. Marc pulls out, finishing on my stomach before getting off me. He walks over to my bathroom and grabs a towel, coming back to wipe me off.

I stay on my back, staring at the ceiling as I my chest heaves from exhaustion. Marc chuckles quietly as he comes over, gently lifting me off the bed and into his arms. He pulls back the covers before climbing into bed with me, my head resting on his chest. "You know this doesn't mean I'm not still angry at you," I mumble as I trace shapes along his chest.

He sighs heavily before responding. "You're too reckless and one day you could die and the thought of that..," his words trail off as me firmly kisses the top of my head. I sit up a bit before rolling over so I can face him.

"I'm reckless, yes. But I'm also smart and skilled. I wouldn't make half the dumb decisions I do if I wasn't a thousand percent sure that you'd have my back if things went south," I watch as his eyes bounce between mines before gracing across the rest of my face. "I understand that you're angry with me, but I need you to trust me,"

He nods a few times but his eyes never leave mine. He opens his mouth but shuts it, signalling he has something to say but doesn't know if he should say it. "I do trust you Y/n," he sighs. "I trust you so much that I fell for you. I've fallen for you. I'm falling for you Y/n. I'm so deeply in love with you, it makes me heart ache and my mind spin so the thought of you getting hurt on a mission. The thought of you walking away with even a small scrape. It makes my blood boil and it makes me want to burn whoever thought they could hurt you and get away with it,"

I stare at him with wide eyes, my mouth agape. There's always been tension between us but I never realized how much his feelings replicated my own. He drapes his arm over his eyes to avoid my gaze. "Please say something,"

I smile softly before gently tugging down I arm. I push myself up a bit so my face is aligned with his. "I love you too," Its four words but those four words cause his eyes to sparkle ever so slightly. I press my lips against his and his arm wrap around my torso, holding my tightly. He rolls us over so he's now on top of me. He kisses me all over my face and neck, muttering I love you's. "You are such a softy," I giggle out, but to my dismay he stops and stares down at me. This only causes me to roll my eyes in annoyance of his mock offence.

"You can glare at me or," I tug him down. "You can fuck me again. Choice is yours," A smirk graces his lips before he captures mine once more.

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