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A.N - Please be nice. This is the first time I've written fem reader x fem character smut before!

I lazily walk into the conference room, trailing behind my girlfriend Natasha. These meetings are literally the worst part about being an Avenger.

I chuckle as Nat pulls me into her lap, resting her head on my shoulder. I circle my thumb over her hand. Steve begins his usual boring speech and I just lean on the table in front of me. I feel Nat tracing her finger over my back, goosebumps sprouting all over my body. I move my hips ever so slightly, grinding into her. Her hands suddenly grip my hips and I smirk knowing I got to her. I shuffle once more causing her to intake a sharp breath. I'm probably going to regret teasing her but right now it's my only entertainment. "So does everyone understand?"

I look up at Steve having heard absolutely zero of what he was saying. A chorus of yes' sound around the room despite no one really paying attention. Steve rolls his eyes and walks off. I go to stand up but Nat pulls me back down. Everyone eventually clears out of the conference room, not paying the redhead and I any attention. Nat taps my leg and I stand up. I feel her stand up as well, pressing her body to mine. Her lips ghost my neck, sending shiver through my body.

"So you think it's funny to tease me during a meeting huh?" She asks, her teeth grazing my ear. I squeeze my thighs together as I shake my head no. "I feel like you're lying Princess," She taunts as her hand slips under my shirt. I shake my head again. Her hand grasps one of my breasts as she chuckles dryly. "Use your words Princess,"

I take a deep breath and gather my thoughts. "I'm not," She rolls my already hardened nipple between her fingers as he other hand slides up my bare thigh. Today was a horrible day to wear a skirt. Her finger hooks my panties and my breath hitches. She bites down on my neck lightly before sliding my panties down my legs. She taps my leg and I step out of my underwear, leaving them on the floor. I then feel her move. I turn to see her sitting back in her chair. She pats her thigh and I already know what she wants me to do. I carefully sit on her thigh, facing her. My hands brace her shoulders as I begin to slowly move back and forth in her bare thigh. Nat rarely wears shorts but I'm so glad she chose to wear shorts today.

Breathy moans leave my mouth as I continue riding her thigh. Her hands come brace my hips and she starts bouncing her thigh lightly. I moan out, throwing my head back. I feel her begin lifting the hem of my shirt. I lift my arms up as she slips off my shirt leaving me completely bare chested in front of her. Her eyes trail across my body, taking me in all at once.  She suddenly stops bouncing her leg. She taps my leg again and I shakily stand. She stands up as well before carefully leaning me back so I'm laying on the conference table.

She then gets down on her knees and my heart picks up speed as she ties her hair back. Her hands hold my thighs, spreading my legs for her. I whimper as I feel her trailing kisses up my thighs, hitting and sucking when she feels the need. I'm gonna look like a leopard after this.....oh well. I bite my lip to suppress a moan as I feel her hot breath hovering just above my core. My eyes roll back as licks a long stripe between my folds. Before I can even catch my breath, dives right in. Her hands keep my legs spread as my hands are in her hair. I tug lightly and she moans into against me. "Oh fuck Nat," I moan out. Suddenly she stops, causing a whimper to escape my lips.

I look down and see her looking right at me. "What's my name Princess?" She ask. I let out a shaky breath before answering.

"Mommy," She smirks up at me.

"Good girl," She then dives back in except this time she adds to fingers, slowly pumping in and out of me. My legs begin shaking slightly as my climax begins getting closer. She pulls away but her fingers continue. "You gonna cum for mommy Princess?"

All it took was those words. My eyes roll into the back of my head as my orgasm racks through my body. I can feel Nat slowly cleaning me up with her tongue. She then pulls away, standing up. While maintaining eye contact she licks off the remains of my orgasm off her fingers. She then pulls me up so I'm sitting. She presses her lips to mine and I quickly kiss back. She breaks the kiss, tugging on my bottom lip slightly. "Get dressed Princess,"

"What about you?" I ask, realizing she didn't really get anything.

"I'm okay Princess but later you can treat mommy if you want," I smile up at her as she kisses my forehead. I quickly slide off the table and put back on my underwear at shirt before heading downstairs with Nat. "I'm gonna go grab something go from my room but I'll meet you downstairs,"

"Ok," She pecks my lips before walking off. I take the elevator downstairs and head to the kitchen. I open the fridge and grab a can of pop.(whichever kind you like)

"Hey Y/n," I turn around and see Tony.

"Oh hey Tony," I open up my pop and take a sip.

"So uh whatcha got there?" He asks. I furrow my eyebrows in confusion. Does he mean my pop? I he gestures towards my thighs. I look down and my eyes widen as I see a bunch of slowly forming hickies. Oh fuck.

"Right, these are just spider bites," I lie horribly.

"Uh huh," He smirks. Nat then walks in the kitchen. "And here's the spider,"

"Hardy hardy har had Stark," I mutter. He walks away laughing.

"What was that about?" Nat asks as she takes my pop and takes a sip before handing it back to me.

"Tony commented on my 'spider bites'," I grumble.

She chuckles. "Spider bites. I see what you did there," She kisses my cheek before walking over to the freezer. "Want some ice cream?"

"Yes! When do I ever say no to ice cream," She grabs a small tub of Ben and Jerry's ice cream and two spoons. She then takes my hand and leads me to the living room. She puts on a movie before we both cuddle up on the couch. She wraps an arms around me as we both eat our ice cream and watch the movie.

"I love you Princess,"

"I love you too," I smile as I rest my head on her shoulder.

A.N.- Hey guys!! Sorry I haven't updated in forever. A lot has been going down but I do plan on updating a good portion of my stories very soon!! Hope you enjoyed this!

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