My Best Friend's Best Friend ~ Shang-Chi

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This was requested by @luna60802 Hope you enjoy it!


"Katy!" I squeal as I run towards her.

"Y/n!" She yells, her voice cracking slightly like it does when she screams. We both engulf each other in a hug, laughing lightly to ourselves. We pull away and her eyes rack my figure. "Damn bitch, you look hot!"

"We are going to a club. Why are you wearing neon green pants?"

"They'll glow under the black light. Duh," She says it like it's so obvious. I chuckle as I throw my arm around her shoulder. "So, Shaun said he'll meet us inside,"

"Okay, cool," I mutter more to myself. I've met Shaun a handful of times and he's a great guy. But mix that with insane attractiveness, and I'm a goner. We walk into the club, the music blaring loudly, everyone dancing and having a good time. I can feel the base of the music in my chest and legs, the feeling making my heart race with adrenaline.

"Let's go get some drinks," Katy yells over the music, taking my hand and leading me to the bar. "Hi, can I get a martini please, no olives? And, what do you want?" She asks, turning to me.

"A Manhattan please," I say loudly, trying to get my voice to be heard over the music.

"A martini, no olives, and a manhattan," The bartender says before beginning to prepare our drinks. I turn around, my back to the bar as I look around the club. That's when my eyes land on him. A white muscle tank clings to his muscular chest, paired with black jeans and white Nike's. I turn back around to the bar with an audible swallow.

"Can I get a shot too, please?" I ask politely as the bartender puts our drinks on the counter. He nods and quickly pours me a shot. I shoot it back, the liquid courage burning my throat as it enters my system. I take a deep breath before lifting up my glass of Manhattan. I take a sip as I pretend I hadn't seen him.

"Shaun!" Katy yells, waving him over to us. "Shaun, you remember Y/n, right?"

"Uh, yeah, good to see you," He says with a polite smile, his eyes giving me a quick once over.

"You too," I say with a smile before shooting back the rest of my drink. "I'm gonna go dance,"

Before Katy can protest, I run onto the dance floor. I let the music flow through my body as I dance, trying not to focus on the feeling of Shaun's eyes on me. My hips sway to the beat as the lights flash around the room, a blue hue of light filling the darkroom. The feeling of a hand on my hip causes me to turn my head, the face of some random guy coming into my vision.

I step out of his grasp, shoving his hand away gently. "I'm good," I yell politely over the music as I step back but he grabs my wrist and pulls me towards him.

"Come on mamas," He chuckles down at me, his whiskey-scented breath wafting in my face.

"I said I'm good," I try to pull out of his grasp but his hand tightens around my wrist.

"Hey!" We both turn our heads to a fuming Shaun. He walks up and shoves the guy away, forcing him to let go of me. "What's your problem man?"

"Shaun, leave it. He's drunk," I say loud of enough for the huffing man to hear. My hand absentmindedly rubs my slightly sore wrist.

"Hey, it's not my fault your slut was all over me," The other guy slurs with a laugh. That sends Shaun off the edge. His fist comes up and he recoils back but his elbow hits me right in the face before he makes vicious contact with the other guy's face.

"Fuck!" I yell out, holding my nose as my eyes squeeze shut in pain.

"Oh fuck. Y/n I am so sorry,"

"I told you to leave it, Shaun," I scoff before running off to the bathroom to make sure my nose isn't bleeding. I walk into the wheelchair bathroom, locking the door behind me to have some privacy. I stare at my reddened nose, a small amount of blood trickling out of my nostril. I huff in annoyance before grabbing some paper towel and dabbing my nose till the bleeding stops.

Lucky for me, my nose doesn't seem to be broken and the bleeding was minimal. A knock on the door catches my attention. "Who is it?" I question loudly, hoping they'll hear me over the sound of the loud music.

"Y/n, it's Shaun. Can I come in?" He questions, guilt filling his tone. I scrunch up my face in annoyance. I huff before unlocking the door and stepping back so he can open it. He walks back in and closes the door behind him. "Y/n, I am so so sorry,"

"It's whatever, Shaun," I say with a shrug, chucking the bloody paper towel in the trash can.

"Can I look to make sure you're okay?" He questions, taking a step closer. Despite being weirdly nervous right now, I nod my head okay. He steps so he's right in front of me, his hands cupping my face so he can get a good look at my nose.

"It's not broken," I inform, even though he would probably be able to tell.

"God, I'm so sorry," I place my hands on his, causing him to look me in the eyes.

"It's fine. It's not broken which means I'm okay," I say with a smile, my eyes unintentionally bouncing from his mouth to his eyes.

"I wanna make it up to you," He says honestly. I look at him with a quizzical, my eyebrows scrunched in confusion.

"How?" I inquire with a small smirk. He returns the smirk before leaning down and pressing his lips against my own. I kiss back in an instant, our lips moving in perfect sync as his hands trail down to my hips.

I wrap my arms around his neck, playing gently with his hair as I deepen the kiss. After a couple of seconds, we pull away in much need of oxygen. "You are absolutely perfect," He whispers, wrapping his arms tighter around my waist, his forehead resting on mine.

"I'm far from perfect, Shaun," I mumble as I move my head so it's resting on his shoulder, my face nuzzling into his neck.

"Who told you that?" He questions, swaying slowly.

"My ex, and the one before that, and the one before that," I mutter with a dry chuckle, holding Shaun a bit tighter as we sway back and forth.

"Well, they're fucking stupid and clearly need a glasses prescription," He says with a scoff, kissing the side of my head tenderly. "You are the most gorgeous person I've ever laid my eyes on. The way your smile lights up a room and your laugh is contagious. The way you're worried about others before yourself and the way you subconsciously fiddle with the hem of your clothes when you're nervous,"

I lean my head back so I can look at him, my eyebrows scrunched up in confusion. "You noticed all those things about me?" I question softly.

"Those are only a few examples from a very long list, Y/n. You are the most amazing person I've ever met," He whispers with a smile, resting his forehead against mine.

I smile softly, that nervous and girly smile that appears on your face after a sweet guy says sweet things. I press my lips softly against his before smiling even wider. "You wanna get out of here?" He questions.

"What about Katy?"

"She left in a cab about three minutes ago," He says with a laugh.

"Yes. Yes, I would love to get out of here,"

My lovely readers. I AM SO SORRY! I haven't updated in forever. I've been really focused on some other stories which please go check out and show them some love. I have been also having some mental health problems but I'm trying to get better. I'll be updating as often as I can.

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