Bucky teases you at breakfast

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Smut-ish <3


I skip down the stairs and into the tower's kitchen. I hum a song quietly to myself. "What to eat?" I mutter. I decide on pancakes. I grab all the ingredients.

"Morning," I jump at the sound of his deep voice. I turn to see Bucky smirking. Shirtless, grey sweatpants and hair in his signature man bun. God this man is too much.

"Asshole," I mutter. "Should I make chocolate chip pancakes or blueberry?"

"Both," He then begins making coffee.

"You wanna help me?" I ask with a smile, hoping he'll say yes.

"Sure," He finishes up with his coffee and we begin making the pancakes. I hand him a large bowl.

"You make the chocolate ones and I'll make the blueberry ones," He nods and we begin making breakfast. While mixing I turn on some music. Lady Luck begins filling the kitchen. "They call you lady luck, but there is room for doubt. At times you have, a very unladylike way of running out,"

"Is this an insult?" He asks.


"Playing oldies music?" He smirks.

"What no, I love this song," It's true I do love this song. The fact that it's an older song is merely a coincidence. I put the pans on the stove and place some butter in them before starting to cook my batch of pancakes. I sway my hips to the music as I flip each pancake, letting it cook, then putting it on a plate. I go to flip the next pancake but stop as I feel a pair of hands resting on my waist. My back pressed up against his chest, his warm breath fanning my neck. I place the spatula down and turn around. "What are you doing?" I ask with a chuckle.

"Dance with me," As he says this, Sway by Michael Buble comes on. His hands stay on my waist as he pulls me towards the centre of the kitchen. I wrap my arms around his shoulders and we both sway to the music. His blue eyes looking deeply into my y/e/c ones. I watch as his eyes glance at my lips and I can't help but glance at his. He then leans in but before his lips could meet mine.

"Is something burning?" Tony's loud voice interrupting us.

"Oh shit," I mutter and quickly take the pancakes out of the pans. I look back at Bucky and see him smirking. My face heats up as I pick up the plate of blueberry pancakes and put them on the dining room table. I set up the plates and cutlery, as well as the whip cream and syrup. I walk back into the kitchen and see Bucky finishing up the chocolate chip ones. He places the last one on a plate and I grab the plate to go take it to the table. As I turn around Bucky places his hands on my hips once again, my back pressed against his bare chest.

"I like knowing I can make you flustered," He whispers into my ear. I swallow hard as he lets me go. I place the pancakes on the table as everyone begins making their way downstairs. I sit down in a chair. Everyone serves themselves, a chorus of thank you's leaving their mouths.

"The chocolate chip ones are so good," Sam compliments, whilst stuffing the pancakes in his mouth.

"Bucky made them," I say simply while taking a sip of my orange juice.

"They're okay," Sam lies causing Bucky to chuckle as he sits down right beside me, placing his hand on my thigh. I choke on my orange juice slightly, coughing lightly.

"You okay?" Bucky asks with a smirk.

"I'm fine," We all continue eating but I can't help but notice as Bucky's hand inches higher and higher. Once breakfast is done Steve assigns breakfast clean up.

"Sam and I are gonna clean,"

"Why does it have to be me?" Sam asks.

"I only wanted a little love affair," I sing with a chuckle. Everyone but Wanda and Nat stare at me weird. "Has no one seen Mamma Mia two?" I ask. "Unbelievable. Anyways I'm going to go clean my room," I stand up and head upstairs. I walk into my room and start cleaning up, when the creak of my doorframe catches my attention. I turn around and see Bucky. "May I help you Mister Barnes?"

"Actually you can Miss Y/l/n," He walks in and closes the door behind him. "I plan on finishing what I started earlier,"

"Oh really?" I ask. I keep a calm demeanor but my heart is going a mile a minute.

"Yup," He's finally right in front of me. He then leans down, capturing my lips with his. I immediately respond, my arms wrapping around his neck. His tongue prys my lips open before his tongue enters my mouth. He pulls away to pull my tank top off. He lifts me up and and places me on my vanity. He then begins kissing down my neck. I lean back on my mirror, breathy moans leaving my mouth. He then lifts me up and walks over to my bed. He unclips my bra before placing me on my back. He hovers over at me before kissing my neck again, coming up to my ear. "You don't know how long I've wanted to do this," He breathes.

"Trust me, I do," I mutter. He begins kissing down, heading towards my breasts before the door bursts open. Out of instinct, I push Bucky off of me and grab the blanket, coving up my naked top half.

"We all going for a run, you both have to come," Tony says simply. I grab a shoe from beside my bed and chuck it at him.

"Knock you prick!" I yell. He chuckles before closing the door. I look over at Bucky but see he's not beside me. I then look over the edge of the bed and see him lying on the floor. "Sorry,"

He chuckles before getting up. He opens the door but turns around before leaving. "Another time then doll," He winks before closing the door. I sit there for a minute before grabbing a pillow and slamming my face into it. My screams muffled into the pillow.

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