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It was already late when they've arrived at the airport.

Shiro : Kuroko-sama, the car is ready.

Yuuki : Thank you, Shiro. Head directly to the mansion.

The Kuroko's personal driver, Shiro Itsuki, nods and starts driving towards their destination.

Tetsuya can't stop looking outside the car's window as if he's a tourist in an unknown city.

Hiro : Tetsu, want to go grab some milkshakes on the way home?

Tetsuya's eyes was glittering at the single word of milkshake.

A small laughter can be heard inside the car.

Yuuki : Shiro-

Shiro : I'm on it, Kuroko-sama.

Eri : Geez, you guys spoil him too much.

Shiro drives them to a nearby restaurant called ' Magi Burger '

Hiro : Want to tag along, Tetsu?

Tetsuya : Yeah!

After finish buying their milkshakes, the two brothers walk towards the car.

A big smile can be seen on Tetsuya's face as he drinks his favorite vanilla milkshake.

Hiro just chuckled at the sight of his little brother's obsession with vanilla milkshake.

And so the Kuroko family went straight to their mansion after taking a little detour.


" The modeling took longer than I thought. I'm tired-ssu "

I was on my way to the convenience store near a restaurant when I saw a familiar teal blue hair walking out of the restaurant.

He was smiling so happily next to someone. But I've never seen him make that face before.

I can feel my heart thumping hard.

" Ku- "

I couldn't move my legs. I felt like calling out to that person but my voice wouldn't come out.

" Is it really him ? "



I was just about to lay down when I heard my phone buzz.

" Hah. What does this idiot want at this hour ? "

I saw a text message from Kise and when I opened it, I got up from my bed.

I just couldn't believe what I just read.

I quickly dialed his number.

Akashi : When did you saw him ? Where ?!

Kise : About an hour ago. I saw him walking out from Magi Burger with someone.

Akashi : Are you sure it was him?

Kise : I'm not sure, Akashichi. Something seems different about him.

Akashi : Have you told anyone else about this?

Kise : No. I thought I'd tell you first incase you know something.

I sigh.

Akashi : Don't tell anyone else about this for now. We'll meet up with the others after school tomorrow.

I hung up before Kise could say anything more.

" What did he mean by different ? "

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