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* A month after being released from hospital *

The Kuroko family are having their breakfast together when Tetsuya suddenly speak up.

Tetsuya : Neh, Otou-san. Can we go back to Japan?.

The room went silent for a few seconds.

Yuuki : Well, if that's what you want. I'll arrange everything we need for the transfer ASAP.

Hiro : But, Otou-san! What if-

Before Hiro could finish his sentence, his mother cut him.

Eri : Hiro-kun, you know your Otou-san is weak against Tetsu-chan. Besides, I think everything will be just fine.

Tetsuya : Pleaseee, Hiro-nii. I miss staying in Japan. I miss our house there and I miss my friend.

Hiro being weak against his cute little brother's puppy eye sigh and agreed.

Tetsuya being excited hugs his brother and kissed his cheek.

Yuuki : Tetsu, where's my hugs and kisses ?

Tetsuya giggles and gave his father a big hug and kiss his cheek.

Eri : ' My little angel got those 2 wrap around his fingers ' *giggles*

Later in the evening, Yuuki was in his home office arranging their transfer back to Japan.


Eri : What are you going to do about the company here, Anata?

Yuuki : I've already ask my assistant to manage the company on my behalf. The company's going to do just fine without me here.

There was a sudden silence between the 2.

Yuuki : Are you sure Tetsu's going to be fine being back there?

Eri : You and Hiro-kun worry too much. I know my baby well. He's going to be just fine.

Yuuki knows that he can't argue his wife in regards to their sons so he just oblige.

The next day, Yuuki and Eri told their sons that they will return to Japan in the middle of next month.

Tetsuya was excited after hearing the news.

Hiro : What about school?

Eri : I've already arrange the two of you to transfer to Aunt Tsuna's school.

Tetsuya : Me and Hiro-nii are going to the same school ?? Yaayy!

Seeing their youngest family member being this happy, how can they not agree to the transfer.

Tetsuya ran to his room, shouting.

" I'm going to call Shin-kun and tell him the news! "

The rest of the family just sigh and chuckled at the teal haired boy.


I was so happy when Otou-san told us the news. I can't wait to go back home to see Shin-kun !

I ran to my room to make a call.

Tetsuya : Hello, Shin-kun ! I'm coming back to Japan !

Midorima : Really ? When ?!

Tetsuya : In the middle of next month. I'll be attending Aunt Tsuna's school. I think it was called Kuro High ?

Midorima : You sound so excited, Tetsuya *laugh*

Tetsuya : Don't make fun of me, Shin-kun. Hmph!

Midorima : Haha, gomen2 ~ Anyway, I can't wait for your return, Tetsuya.

Tetsuya : Hehe! Me too! Can't wait to see you again ~

After the call ends, I laid down on my bed, humming in joy.

" Why can't the days move fasterrr "

To be continued...

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