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It's been more than 2 months since that incident and I still haven't heard anything from him.

When I went to his house, I was shocked when the neighbors said it's been vacant for few weeks.

The coach has been hard on us since that time, blaming us for him being missing.

When we asked the teachers about it, they just told us that he transferred.

Even the GOM didn't know where he is.

" Where did you go, Kuroko "


I'm tired "

Satsuki keep nagging me about basketball practice and asking for his whereabouts.

Even Kise-aho keeps calling me, asking about him.

" How the hell would I know ! "

Everything is a mess since then.

Nobody knew where he went. We tried calling his cell but it went straight to voicemail.

It's like he just vanished.

" Where'd the hell did you go, Tetsu "


" Why can't I find his whereabouts ? "

After the incident with Midorima, I immediately ask someone to find information on Kuroko's background and whereabouts but I couldn't find anything.

I tried asking Midorima himself but he told me we don't need to concern ourselves about him anymore.

I was curious on what he meant by him suffering and their relationship with each other.

I was lost in thought when I heard a knock on the door.

Ryuu : Young Master, I've looked into the whereabouts of the boy and I found out that him and his family has transferred to America.

Akashi : Did you found out why?

Ryuu : It was due to his father's work and also for specialist treatment. Unfortunately, I couldn't find what and for who the treatment was for.

Akashi : Okay . Thank you, Ryuu-san.

" What happened to you, Kuroko ? "


I was about to go out when I heard my phone rang.

" Unknown caller ? "

Midorima : Hello? Midorima Shintarou speaking.

Caller : Shin-kun ! It's me~

I was shocked to hear the familiar voice on the other side of the line.

Midorima : Tetsuya ?! You're okay!

Tetsuya : Yup! I just got out from the hospital.

We talked for a bit over the phone.

Tetsuya told me he didn't remember much about what had happened.

I didn't want to remind him of that incident so I kept quiet.

I'm just happy that I get to hear his happy , cheerful voice again.

After talking for a few hours, we said our goodbyes.

Tetsuya : Let's talk again later, Shin-kun!

Before I hung up, his last words made me chuckle.

" Miss you too, Tetsuya "

I'm really glad that he's doing okay now.

He said he didn't remember what had happened before the accident.

I hope he doesn't.

" You deserve better "


To be continued...

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