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Midorima : Are you sure you can go back by yourself?


I know Shin-kun is just worried about me but I don't want to cause anymore trouble for him.

Tetsuya : I'll be fine, Shin-kun. Tell aunty and uncle thank you for me.

Shin-kun smiles but I know he's still worried about me.

After that, we parted ways.

As I was on my way home, I remembered something.

" I forgot to tell Shin-kun about that "

" I need to tell the rest of the GOM about it too "


Tetsuya was on his way towards the Kuroko Residence when he saw a group of coloured-hair teens in front of him.

Tetsuya saw all the GOM members, except Midorima, are together at a nearby park. He suddenly felt nervous.

" Why are they all there? Why didn't Akashi text me about this meet up? "

He was just about to call out to them when suddenly, a certain blonde speaks.

Kise : Why did you call us here, Akashichii?

Aomine : Yeah, Akashi. And where's megane?

Murasakibara : Ehh, Kuro-chin isn't here too ?

Akashi : Shintarou told me he has other matters to attend to.

There was a slight pause before he continues.

Akashi : The reason I called you all out here is because.. I'm replacing Kuroko with Kagami as the 6th member.

Akashi didn't wait for their answer so he continue speaking.

Akashi : I don't feel like Kuroko will get any stronger than he is now, unlike Kagami. He even manage to get in the Zone during our match against Seirin.

The rest of the GOM didn't say anything back, as if silently agreeing.

Tetsuya who was standing a few feet from them, heard everything.

With that, his heart was completely broken into pieces.

Everyone he trusted, just threw him away like a piece of trash. He felt as though his whole world turns to darkness.

Tetsuya wasn't able to say anything so he ran.

Aomine thought he heard something and turns around, he saw nothing but he suddenly felt uneasy.

When Tetsuya was running away, he called someone on his phone.


I was currently on my way home from my part time job when I received a call from someone.

Tetsuya : Nii-sama! Please come pick me up.

When I picked up the phone, I could hear Tetsu's voice cracked and out of breath.

Hiro : Tetsu, calm down. Tell me what's wrong? Where are you right now??

Tetsuya : Please take me far away from here! I don't...

Before Tetsu finished his sentence, I heard a loud crash on the other side of the call.

Suddenly, I felt shivers down my spine.

Hiro : Tetsu! What's happened?! Where are you?! Answer me, Tetsu!

There was no response. Then the line was cut off.

" Damn it! What happened to you, Tetsu! "



Midorima was about to head out to meet with the GOM when he heard his dad, talking on the phone.

Shun : Hello, Midorima speaking.

As he was talking on the phone, Midorima's dad suddenly sounds panicked.

After finishing his call, he got ready to head outside.

Midorima : What's wrong, dad?

Shun : Shintarou, I need you to stay at home for now. There was an accident just a moment ago but I can't tell you all the details yet. I'll call when I confirm something.

" Why do I feel something bad is happening ? "

To be continued...

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