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It was their first day as a transfer students at Kuro High.

Tetsuya was feeling overly excited.

Tetsuya : Come on, Hiro-nii. We're going to be late.

Hiro : I know you're excited to go to a new school, Tetsu but you need to eat your breakfast properly.


Girl A : Hey, have you heard ? There's gonna be a transfer student in our class.

Guy A : In the middle of the semester?

Guy B : I heard it's a guy.

Girl A : I also heard there's another one transferring in the 3rd years.

Girl B : Wow. Do you think their siblings?

As the students were busy talking, the classroom door opens and the homeroom teacher enters.

Teacher : Okay, quiet down class. As you all have heard. There's a new student that'll be joining us today. Kuroko-san.

When the teacher called out his name, Tetsuya enters the classroom and stands beside the teacher.

The girls began to squeal when they saw him. Even some of the guys were seen blushing.

Teacher : Alright2, calm down. Let him introduce himself first.

Tetsuya : Ohaiyo, minna. I'm Kuroko Tetsuya. I just transferred here from America. I hope we can get along together.

Everyone blushed when they saw Tetsuya's innocent smile.

Teacher : Then, your seat will be at the back next to the window. Feel free to ask the others if you have any problem.

Tetsuya nods and walks towards his desk.

Tetsuya looks at the person next to him.

Tetsuya : Hello, I'm Kuroko Tetsuya. Please take care of me from now on.

Shou : Hey, I'm Naruse Shou. You can just call me Shou.

Tetsuya : Then, please call me Tetsuya *smiles*

When the class was starting, some of the classmates were stealing glances at Tetsuya.

" He's so cute ! "


ime passes and it's already lunch break.

Before Tetsuya could get up from his seat, he was surrounded by his classmates.

Sierra : Hey, Kuroko-kun ! I'm Sierra. Minami Sierra. Let's be friends !

Teru : I'm Higashi Teru! You can just call me Teru.

After they introduce themselves, everyone starts asking him tons of questions while eating lunch together.

Before he could answer any of them, he heard someone calling his name.

Shou : Tetsuya ! There's someone here looking for you.

Everyone turns to look at the person standing at their classroom door.

Tetsuya : Ah! Hiro-nii ~

Tetsuya excused himself from the crowd and went over to his brother.

Hiro was glad to see him getting along with the other students and pats his head.

Tetsuya chuckled and smiles warmly at his brother's action.

Everyone around them almost faint after seeing the two brothers affection.

Hiro : Oh yeah, I've got a surprise for you after school. Wait for me in front of the gate, okay?

Not long after, the bell rang so Hiro walks away to his class.

" A surprise ? "

To be continued...

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