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After receiving the call, I felt my heart just sank.

I prayed so hard that it wasn't true. That it wasn't him.

He's like a son to me! How could this had happened?

When I arrived at the hospital, I quickly went up towards the counter.

Shun : Nurse! Where's the boy ?

Nurse : Dr. Midorima! He's in the emergency room right now. He's in critical condition.

" Oh God, please don't let it be him "

I speed walk towards the emergency room and saw a teal blue hair, laying on the hospital bed.

My knees felt weak.

I fell on the floor, thinking that it was all a mistake. That it was all just a nightmare.

Nurse : Dr ! Are you okay?!

" How am I going to tell them about this ? "


The nurses escorted Shun to his office to let him rest a little.

Shun still couldn't accept everything that just happened but he needs to calm down and make some calls.


I suddenly felt agitated.

Something isn't right but what?!

As I was busy with my thought, I heard my phone rang and saw it was from dad.

Midorima : Dad?!

Shun : Shintarou, I need you to come down to the hospital right now. It's Tetsuya.

I felt as though my heart just stop beating for a second.

Midorima : Why? What happened to Tetsuya?!

Shun : I'll explain later but you need to come quick. Bring your mother with you.

After we hung up, I called out to mum and hurried over, ignoring the concerns expression on her.


When he finished calling his son, Shun quickly dialled another number.


" Why is Dr. Midorima calling me right now? "

I suddenly felt something was very wrong. I'm scared to answer but I need to know.

" What if he knows where and what happened to Tetsu? "

I answered the call.

Shun : Hiro, please listen carefully and stay calm. It's about your brother, Tetsuya.

My heart just dropped. I can feel my hands starting to tremble.

Shun : He got into and accident and is currently in the ICU. I need you to come down here right now and please inform your parents.

I almost fell to the ground but manage to grab hold of the wall beside me.

Hiro : How is he, Dr ?!

Shun : We.. I'll do everything I can to help him so please, come quickly. He needs you guys the most right now.

After we both hangs up, I called my parents and inform them what had happened.

We all rush towards Midorima Private Hospital.

" Tetsu, please be alright ! "


To be continued...

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