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The next morning , Akashi and the rest of the GOM including Kagami gathered together to head towards Midorima Private Hospital.

Murasakibara : Hey, Aka-chin . Why are we heading towards the hospital?

Kagami : Yeah, and why am I here?

Akashi : I don't know but Midorima ask us to come here. Kuroko wants to see us.

Kise : Kurokochii ?! He finally wants to see us ?!

Aomine : Shut up, Kise. And why is Tetsu here? Did something happen?

Akashi just shakes his head.

As they were walking towards the entrance, they saw Midorima standing at the front desk.

Before any of them could say anything, Midorima just told them to follow him.

They walk for a quite bit before reaching a private room.

Midorima opens the door and inside was a teal haired boy, sitting on his hospital bed while gazing out the window.

The boy notice a group of familiar faces entering his room.

Even though he felt pain in his chest as he saw them, he just puts on his normal deadpanned face and greets them.

Kuroko : Hello, everyone. It's been awhile.


When I saw Kuroko is in good health, I sigh in relief but something doesn't seem right.

' Why is he back to being his expressionless self ? '

I didn't say anything aside from greeting him back.

The room was silent for a moment. Everyone didn't dare say anything as it was awkward.

Kuroko : I guess you all are anxious as to why I called you guys here.

As Kuroko started talking, I noticed his voice was shaking and his hands was trembling.

I was about to walk towards him to comfort him but then I saw Midorima standing beside him while holding his hands.

I felt a sharp pain in my heart but I just kept it to myself. I also noticed Aomine's expression flinched at the sight.

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