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Kuroko took a deep breath and continued.

Kuroko : First of all, Kagami-kun. I know you didn't really do nothing wrong but that's the thing. You didn't do anything when they wanted to kick me out of the team. It saddened me that my light didn't have my back. So I succumbed to darkness. Luckily, Shin-kun saw me that night and I calmed down.

Kuroko looks over to Midorima and smiled warmly.

Kuroko : But later that day, I saw all of the GOM together and felt uneasy. Akashi, to think that you would think of me like that. Even though I respected and look up to you the most.

When Kuroko point me out, I felt pain in my chest. I'm ashamed of my self.

Akashi : Kuroko, I-

Midorima looks at me as if telling me not to interrupt.

Kuroko : Sure, Akashi's words hurt me.. but the rest of you didn't say anything back. Which made it a lot worst.

Everyone kept quite.

Kuroko : To think I would get caught in an accident after and lost my memory. Lame, hehe. But maybe it was for the best, I thought.

His words cut deep in our hearts. I could see everyone's sad expression. Guilt , agony .


Kuroko : After having my memories back, honestly, I thought of killing myself for all those pains I went through. But then I remembered the faces that still needs me here, so I decided to face my past.

Kuroko then looks at us and smiled weakly.

Kuroko : I'm sorry for being weak and useless but I thank you all for being my friend and for all those good memories we shared.

Kuroko then bowed his head.

Aomine : Tetsu, we were wrong ! We shouldn't have done that to you. We.. I'm sorry !

Kise and Murasakibara apologize while crying.

Kagami : Kuroko, I'm a lousy light to you but you were the greatest shadow to me. I should have told you this sooner. I'm sorry for hurting you.

Akashi : Kuroko, my words have hurt you the most. I was blinded by my greed and arrogance. I'm sorry.

Kuroko : That's.. That's alright guys, I forgave you all long ago. So please stop crying.

Suddenly, a voice could be heard from the door.

Hiro : Good for you. Tetsu forgave you but don't think I will, for hurting my little brother.

Everyone flinched at Hiro's words.

Eri : Now, now Hiro. We don't want Tetsu-chan to get mad at us for scaring his friends now do we.

They were relief to see a kind looking woman that just entered the room.

Eri : But~ If any of you harm even a single strain of hair on my precious Tetsuya again, let's just say you wont see daylight the same ever again ~

Everyone's expression went pale.

Yuuki : It's good to see there wasn't any bloodshed today ~

Kuroko : Ah! Hiro-nii , Okaa-san, Otou-san ~

' What's wrong with this family '

Kagami : But, erm.. Kuroko, what about school?

Kuroko : Oh, I'm attending at Kuro High.

Kise : Geh! That famous top 3 high school?!

Aomine : Damn, Tetsu. How'd you got in??

Kuroko : Eh~ My family owns it though. My aunt is the Principal.

Hiro : Tch, my Tetsu is a genius so that level is normal for him.

Murasakibara : Eh~ then what about basketball?

The GOM and Kagami were curious.

Midorima : He's still playing and for your information, he's better at it than any of you combined.

Kuroko : Geez, Shin-kun. You didn't have to say that. I'm nowhere near good.

Everyone present in the room blushed as they saw a shy little teal boy.

Kise : How do you know thatt, Midorimacchiiii.

Midorima : Of course I'd know. We're attending the same school.

The GOM + Kagami : What ?!

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