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It has been a few days Tetsuya's in coma. Luckily, dad and the others manage to save him.

I was so shocked when I first saw him here.

Hiro-san kept asking me if something had happened to Tetsuya before the accident but I couldn't answer him.

He told me Tetsuya called him, crying and wanting to run away. From what?

" What the hell happened to you, Tetsuya? "

I thought about telling the GOM and also Seirin about Tetsuya's condition but didn't manage to.

My mind's been a mess, worrying about him.

I was on my way to visit Tetsuya at the hospital when I saw some familiar faces at the basketball court.

I don't know why but I didn't call out to them and just listened to their conversation.

Kagami : Hey, have you guys seen Kuroko these past few days? I couldn't get through to this number.

Kise : What's wrong, Kagamichii?

Aomine : Yeah, Bakagami. Something happened between you guys?

I was shocked when I heard what had happened between Tetsuya and the rest of the Seirin's team.

" Wait.. Isn't that the time I saw Tetsuya crying in the rain?! "

I wanted to confront Kagami about it but then I heard Akashi speaking.

Murasakibara : Eh, Kuro-chin quit? We haven't seen him too.

Akashi : And we thought we'd ask you about it because we have something to discuss with him.

Kagami : Discuss with him?

Murasakibara : Aka-chin wants to kick Kuro-chin out and replace you as the 6th member.

My mind went blank and before Kagami could answer, I spoke.

Midorima : When did that happen?

Kise : Wah! Midorimachii, where did you come from?

Midorima : When did you planned about kicking Tetsuya out?!

The GOM + Kagami : " Tetsuya? "

Akashi : The day after Kuroko said he'd quit Seirin's basketball team.

I snapped.

Midorima : So it was all you guy's fault ! Because of your selfishness, Tetsuya had to suffer !

Aomine : Calm down, Midorima!

Kise : And what do you mean suffer-ssu?

Midorima : Tch ! Don't act like you suddenly care about him now! All of you don't need to concern about Tetsuya again cause I'll never let you guys see him ever !

Before they could ask anymore questions, I just left. Ignoring their calls and went towards the hospital.


Kagami : Hey, since when did Midorima started calling Kuroko by his given name?

Kise : I'm curious about it too. And what did he mean by that just now-ssu?

Murasakibara : Mido-chin sounds angry.

Aomine : You know something about it, Akashi?

Akashi just shook his head.

They all went back after wrecking their brains trying to find anything but failed.

When Akashi got back home, he tried calling Midorima but his calls didn't go through.

Meanwhile, at the Midorima Private Hospital....

Midorima is on the phone, calling someone.

Hiro : Why did you call me, Shintarou? Did something happen to Tetsu??

Midorima : No, he's still stable. But I think I know what happened to Tetsuya that time.

Midorima explained to Hiro what had happened the night before and the time Hiro got the call from Tetsuya.

Hiro : Those bastards ! If I had known this would happen, I would have told my father to transfer early !

Midorima : What do you mean, Hiro-san?

Hiro : I guess Tetsu haven't told you guys about it yet.

Hiro told Midorima that they are transferring to America next month due to his father's work.

Midorima : But what if Tetsuya haven't wake up?

Hiro : I'll ask my father to transfer him to a specialist in America.

Midorima was a little sad that Tetsuya was going to transfer abroad but a part of him thinks that it's better for him.

Midorima : I think that's for the better. Maybe with that, Tetsuya can forget about what had happened.

Hiro : I hope he does.

After finished talking, they both hung up.

To be continued...

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